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Remote control cars


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I am in the market for buying a pair of remote controlled cars.  Nothing particularly fancy, but hopefully ones that work half-decently and don't break easily with normal use.  Does anyone have some suggestions?


Hopefully these would be under $40 each, but I really have no idea if that is possible (to do and still get something that doesn't just break).


Bonus points if they run over grass.



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In my experience, remote control cars always break. My son has some of the very expensive ones and he is always needing to fix them. They can be fixed, and for my son, fixing them is half the fun but it is expensive to always be buying parts. My son says the best thing for around that price are "x-mods cars"(around 50$) they can be upgraded and repaired and are generally 

durable but have almost no ground clearance (unless you buy an off road one witch is slightly more) other then them he says the next step up is 100$ up.


More info here: XMODS



Susan in TX

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We have a pair from hearthsong that work very well.  I think they are called morphibians.  You have to read the description to ensure you choose two that work on different frequencies but they can handle water and fairly bumpy terrain without any problems (and thus far my 6 and 8 year olds haven't managed to break them...it's been a year).

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