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Why is my foot swelling?


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I have only experience fluid on my feet when pregnant, right after giving birth. About a month ago, however, after being on my feet for excessive amounts of time (canning) for several days, both feet became swollen (I could 'feel' the fluid moving on the top of my foot when I walked). My right foot was worse than my left. The left foot was fine after staying off of it for a day, but the right foot took longer.


A week ago, I took the girls swimming. I was moving around a lot in the shallow end (trying to teach two of them to swim). The next day, my right foot only was swollen and my leg was sore. A few days later it was fine.


Yesterday, I had massive amounts of shopping to do (two hour drive, several hours walking). Today, my foot will only fit in my regular shoes (no church shoes today) and both legs are sore (soreness is expected).


I am overweight but not obese. I have horrible soda habits. Am I unhealthy or is there something going on with my right leg that I should have checked out? I do have varicose veins on that leg (severely - it's a birthmark that goes from ankle to thigh).


Any thoughts?

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