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Which of these history sequences seems the strongest?

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I need to make a decision and register dd this week.  Without all the back-story, which of these history sequences seems the strongest or most solid?


Dd plans to earn her AA through dual enrollment, in which case none of this will matter.  In case that doesn't happen and she has to apply to colleges based on her transcript - which looks best?  She plans to major in the area of theater, music, film, etc. She will have a strong transcript in those areas. She will be in 8th this year.


Option 1

9th - H US History 2 (FLVS) + CLEP

9th - H US Government (FLVS) 

11th - Humanities 1 (Anc. - Ren.) and 2 (Ren. - mod.) (DE)


2.5 credits


Option 2

8th - US History 1 (FLVS) + CLEP

9th - H US History 2 (FLVS) + CLEP

9th - H US Government (FLVS)

11th - Humanities 1 and 2 (DE)


3.5 credits


Option 3

8th - H World History (FLVS)

9th - H US History 2  + CLEP

9th - H US Government 

11th - Humanities 1 and 2 (DE)


3.5 credits


Option 4

8th - H World History 

8th - US History 1 + CLEP

9th H US History 2 + CLEP

9th H US Government  

11th - Humanities 1 and 2 (DE)


4.5 credits (but two earned in 8th grade and dd must drop music for 8th - Dd not a fan of this choice)


Option 5

9th - H US History 2 + CLEP

9th - US Government 

10th - (some sort of history)

11th - Humanities 1 and 2 (DE)


3.5 credits (but must drop Spanish 2 in 10th grade - this could also be 4.5 credits if adding an 8th grade history) This is the option I am leaning toward. But, if chosen, do I add 8th grade World History or 8th grade US History I?


Again, without the long story these are really the only options available.

Thanks for your thoughts!




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With my oldest only being 16 almost 17 I am by far from an expert. With that said option 5 looks the best to me. From my limited research some colleges won't consider coursework done in 8th grade. They also look for a fairly balanced course load from year to year. Not knowing what your other courses look like, the consistency of yearly history looks better than the history courses being a little heavier in early high school.

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Credits earned in 8th grade don't generally count toward high school. Algebra 1 "counts" for the reason it enables the student to take higher math in high school, but usually the credits and grade point are only counted for the courses taken in 9th-12th.


I'm aiming to have 1 credit US history, 1 credit World History, 1/2 credit Economics, and 1/2 credit Government for high school. I'm not sure it matters too much when you take them.

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