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Talk to me about sight words


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Nico now knows his letter sounds with instant recall and fantastic mastery. He's moving nicely into blending and CVC words.

We're using Phonics Pathways and Little Stories for Little Folks (Catholic Heritage Curriculum). I'm not noticing anything in either about introducing sight words (or when to do so). I'm probably missing it (anyone familiar with either program care to chime in?).


How do you introduce them... and when in the reading journey do you do so?

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It is not necessary to teach children to memorize words by sight alone. Any good phonics method will teach the skills necessary to read almost all words categorized as "sight words."


Read "Why Johnny Still Can't Read." It explains the whole sight-word fallacy and why phonics is SO much better.

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I asked this exact same question when my son was learning to read.  We used MFW to teach phonics/reading.  I also assumed I was missing it or that I would need to add it. The answer was basically that we are using a phonics program...sight words are not needed.  I think the only real sight word I taught was "the."  LOL! Everything else he learned using phonics.  He is in 2nd grade now and reads great!  The words that are often taught as sight words, he picked up naturally with phonics reading.   So, I say...don't worry about memorizing sight words.  :D

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Before long, having sounded the words out bunches of times, your new reader will recognize them without sounding out.  It'll come.


There are a couple/few that I've always had to help with, but otherwise they figure them out.  "Of" comes to mind, as does "aisle" and "eye".

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Except that "the" is not a sight word. :-)


Not saying it doesn't follow rules.  It was the only word *I* taught as a sight word...meaning one that is known by sight, by memorizing, and not read using phonics even if it could be.  He knows it just by sight.  And, by memorize it, I simply mean I told him what it was every time he came to it until he knew it.  :)

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i did not do sight words with my oldest as i am a die hard phonics fan, but i regretted it as it seemed to hold back her reading fluency. she was struggling and frustrated. she still asks me what some sight words are. for the rest of mine, i will introduce them alongside phonics to alleviate that frustration. we use i can read from 1+1+1=1 blog.

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