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Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?


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Ok, so my hubby is working toward his PhD.  This is year 4 or 5...........I can't remember.  It feels like forever!!  He's almost done!  I'm pushing him to finish.  He's working on his dissertation which is about homeschool families and how they teach financial literacy in their homes and homeschools.  But he needs to interview a few homeschool families via phone or Skype. 


Would anyone be willing to participate???


I posted more info on my blog as well as a contact email.  Thank you!!

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Anyone who has an elementary-aged kid or above fits the bill :)  He's interviewing families about how they teach financial topics or how they plan to teach them in the future and how they handle money topics with their kids.  So, if anyone has 30 minutes to spare for a few questions, I would so appreciate it!  I'm trying to cheer him on and help him recruit a wide range of homeschooling families.  Thanks!

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My hubby is the primary teacher but I am the one who lesson plans and tells him what to teach and supervisor her. So if my hubby is ok with this which one of us would he need to talk to?  I am the one that teaches more about life and money as she is only six so not really a school subject so much out side of in her math word problems :lol: .  I will speak with him in the AM

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