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mild case of food poisoning?


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I am sorry to keep bugging you guys with this...but I was wondering what your thoughts are or expereinces have been....


yesterday for lunch we had sloppy joes that were made by someone else at a local stand (this was last year....I bought some of th meat and froze it....and thowed it out for lunch yesterday)...we all (but my hubby) had one sandwich.


By 1:30ish my 9 year ol started complaining of a "funny tummy"...at 8:30 he threw up once.  Last night I had a little diarrhea and felt a little off.  This morning, my other son said he didn't sleep well and when he got up he threw up (what ever was left in his tummy which is basically nothing)..... 


Could this be a mild case of food poisoning?  Or does that sort of thing usually kick in a lot faster (than this morning)??


am I over thinking this way too much???

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I have had food poisoning twice. once after Chinese and once after a milkshake.  the first time I had a really painful stomach about 2 hours afterwards, and ended up chucking up during the night. the second time ( milkshake) I started chucking up within half an hour, then had really bad case of the runs within 40 minutes. I was pretty ill for 3 days.

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our daughter also ate the sandwiches, but hasn't said anything about feeling bad...so I don't know....yes, it could be a virus...but in our home anyway, viruses usually act in the form of being sick for more than one time....over the course of hours.   My little guy said his head hurts and he feels dizzy when he stands up.....my other guy said his tummy "learches" when he stands up....otherwise he feels "ok"


I know I am over thinking this...it is an OCD thing I have with this one particular issue....

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the boys were both very tired tonight...they ate a little bit of supper...everybody else is fine....it was either a VERY quick moving virus (if so, I wish they ALL were like that) or very mild food poinsoning.  Eitherway, I am not complaning as long as everyone else stays fine.   My daughter is still fine tonight...I won't rest 100% for several more days...what is the safe time...72 hours after the last one gets sick...or something like that? 


thanks for asking....you guys here are so thoughtful!

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