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10 clues you might be a Homeschooler


1. You make out with your kids’ principal or teacher on a regular basis.


2. Home ec class looks a lot like cooking dinner and cleaning house.


3. You have learning centers all over the house – the reading corner (aka “the living roomâ€), the kitchen center (aka “the kitchen), and the dress-up box (aka “the closetâ€).*


4. You know the postman or the UPS guy on a first-name basis and, although he acts friendly, you secretly suspect that he doesn’t like you because, well, boxes of books are really heavy.


5. You just might be smarter than a 5th grader…but only because you’re currently teaching one.


6. You have a science experiment in your kitchen…and it’s not just the moldy leftovers in the back of the fridge.


7. You regularly send your kids to school in their PJs.


8. Your China hutch is filled with books and school supplies not China.


9. Your keep a bookshelf in your dining room. Oh, and a dry erase board and maps on the wall.


10. You can’t think of a much better gift than an Amazon gift card, unless someone is offering you a day at home alone or a full night of uninterrupted sleep.


What are some signs that you may be a homeschool parent?


This was posted on a HS FB group I belong to. It fits perfectly, especially number 9. First thing I did when we moved earlier this year was put up my maps and dry erase board.

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1) You buy bug cups in bulk.


2) You buy glue by the gallon...and you've done this more than once.


3) Your 6yo speaks Latin.


4) Your child owns more sets of pajamas than any other sort of clothing.


5) You've mummified something.


6) You've had a science experiment on the dinner table while eating dinner.


7) Instead of playing Cowboys and Indians, your children play Romans and Barbarians.   (Didn't somebody's children strip off their shirts, paint themselves blue, and have a pillow fight while shouting, "Death to Rome!!!")


8) You've considered writing a curriculum.


9) You've written a curriculum.


10) Your children learn cursive.


11) You own goats.  (Isn't that required?  I rather thought one was issued a goat in the second year of homeschooling.  We're still waiting for ours to arrive.)


12) You can name several different curriculum for each of the following: math, phonics, science, history, handwriting, writing, and Latin.


13) Your child talks about things that the rest of the relatives don't understand: pulsar stars, the Silurian Period, and why Sumatran orangutans are different from Borneo orangutans.


14) You celebrate the first day of public school by not going to public school.  It's rather an un-holiday, kinda like Festivus.  Maybe we need a thread to name the first day of public school.


15) You have ever maxed out the number of books your library allows for checkout.


16) You know who Charlotte Mason is.





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A couple more, inspired by the last few days:


1) Your kids cannot relate to any of the "First Day of School" books:

Berenstein Bears First Day of School

Little Critter First Day of School

Curious George First Day of School


Seriously, why are these books in my house???  :laugh:


2) Dad comes home and asks, "What is _____________?" referring to some mess the kids are playing in. 


It's always some science or art project...probably some brilliant idea of Mom's that looks crazy to someone walking into the middle of.  Unfortunately, this happens at our house all. the. time.


Yesterday dd6 had a plastic bin full of water and rocks and pony beads.  Also, the big food scale (can weigh 5 pounds of food) was down off the high shelf.  Dad wondered what dd6 was doing.  :confused1:


We had been re-enacting Archimedes' crown experiment.  The rocks were the gold; the pony beads represented the gold that had been stolen and replaced with silver.  Lucky dad.  He has to live with us.   He never knows what he will walk in on.  :lol:



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1.  You have many pat answers to the question, "why aren't you kids at school?"

  (My dd once innocently said, "We are at school... why aren't you at work?"!)

2.  Your children develop a crush on historical figures.  My dd wants to marry Howard Carter so she can go on digs.

3.  Your Jr High student has classes that sound like college classes - Computer Science, Latin, Ancient Lit

4.  You have finally given up on "hiding" all the books in your house and let them completely take over.

5.  You skip school for the day because the kiddos are playing so beautifully together! 

6.  You ask your kids, "What do YOU want to study this year?"

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I actually had to write it out tonight to figure out what grade my son is in and we only left the school system 2 years ago!


Honest to goodness, I have to keep a list, and it's written on their planning pages in my school comp book, too. I either have to look there, or I count on my fingers real quick. "Okay, he's ten. Six is first grade, seven is second,... Fifth grade! He's in fifth. Wait, why are you asking for that information?"


LOVE the goat comment above, but, I have a goat. :-D

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I purchased a china hutch kind-of-furniture-thing so my homeschool supplies could live in style in the dining room.


My postman was friendly until I finally told him that all the boxes he'd been delivering were homeschool supplies and books; he has never acted quite the same since.


If someone asks what grade my children are in I make the person asking figure it out.  Interestingly enough I don't always get the same answer. 


I had a goat for awhile but DH made me keep her at my friend's property.

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