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diagnose my bug bite, please

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I am in north, central Texas.  Yesterday I put on my beesuit and went out to do a hive inspection.  Later that day I saw a small reddish rash on my upper thigh.  It itches like crazy.  This morning, it is about two inches in diameter with a definite raised border.  I do see one possible red puncture near the middle, but I could be wrong.  It might be a skin abnormality.  It is reddish but mostly I think because I have been scratching it.  There is no bulls eye.  It is does not hurt.  I drew a circle around the raised border.  I am thinking spider bite.  I keep my beesuit in a box in the garage raised off the floor, but critters could have gotten into it.  I have washed the beesuit (did this before I realized I had a bite).  I will be keeping it in the house from now on.  FWIW, the beesuit is very hot and this is summer in Texas (100 degrees) so I only wear undergarments under the suit.  That part of my leg was not covered by any clothing other than the beesuit.  The suit is very sturdy and thick so whatever bit me was inside the suit when I put it on. Lyme is very unlikely here.  So what does the hive think?  (I felt nothing when I was bitten, and it is not a bee sting.)

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Have you seen any of these around?




They're terrible and will cause a rash similar to what you describe. Itches like crazy and gets worse when you itch it. I put on a work glove with one inside it last summer and had a nasty rash on my hand for a few weeks. My husband got bitten by one too and itched it, his rash spread and started  scabbing over. A friend's daughter (4) put a few up her shirt hiding them from her mother (she had been told not to play with them) and had such a bad reaction she ended up in the Er. 


Hope you feel better soon!

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I haven't seen those, but google says they do live in Texas. The raised, red part is spreading, and it itches a lot but I don't have any other symptoms. I developed one more raised itchy bump near the original one late today, 24 hours later.


I've googled like crazy and can't find anything that looks like my bite. It is not a bull's eye rash. Very puzzling. I've been bitten by a brown recluse before, when I was a kid. We do have black widows here. We've seen several. It doesn't hurt at all, just itches.

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