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Share your last 3 awesome read alouds?

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Loving this thread! Keep 'em coming :hurray:  I'm getting ideas!


Our last three favorites:

Black Beauty

Betsy-Tacy (huge hit with my daughter)

Helen Keller, by Margaret Davidson (which also sparked a discussion about blindness, Braille, and overcoming adversity. It was great!)

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The Buddy Files (series) --from the pov of a dog.  We're half way through the series, and my dd6 LOVES it.


A Tale Dark and Grimm  -- NOT FOR EVERYONE. Modern version of  Grimms' Fairy Tales.  We are listening to it on tape, and the reader is hilarious.  "And now, we get to the good part of the story, if by good, you mean violent and bloody." 


Dd6 loves this story, too, and I tease her that *I* will have nightmares from the story, but so far, she and I have both slept fine.  A good story if your children are not squeamish, and like this kind of story.  This has also been a good lesson on how "fairy tales" weren't always the sanitized/Disneyfied version we know today (not that there is anything wrong with the Disney version).


Diary of a Fairy Godmother  -- audio, I could not have done justice to this book in the way the reader did.







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A Tale Dark and Grimm  -- NOT FOR EVERYONE. Modern version of  Grimms' Fairy Tales.  We are listening to it on tape, and the reader is hilarious.  "And now, we get to the good part of the story, if by good, you mean violent and bloody." 


Dd6 loves this story, too, and I tease her that *I* will have nightmares from the story, but so far, she and I have both slept fine.  A good story if your children are not squeamish, and like this kind of story.  This has also been a good lesson on how "fairy tales" weren't always the sanitized/Disneyfied version we know today (not that there is anything wrong with the Disney version).


Diary of a Fairy Godmother  -- audio, I could not have done justice to this book in the way the reader did.


Thanks for these two recommendations! Right up my dd9's alley. I put them on hold at the library so she can start reading right away.

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For anyone who is interested, there are 2 books with very similar names: Indian Boyhood, by Charles Eastman, also called Ohiyesa, and My Indian Boyhood by Luther Standing Bear. It's the first one that FlyingMom is referring to, obviously.

I was looking up books on amazon and this one is free on kindle.

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