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Parental Control Software


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The computer monster is out of control here. I am so sick of monitoring my kids computer time.


"Did you set a timer? How much time is left? Are you sure, I think you've been on much longer than that! "


Arguments. Fussing....I'm done.


Anyone use parental control software to keep track of/control internet usage?


Any recommendations?


Any other ideas that I haven't considered?



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I unplug the Wi-fi.  At the moment, I work from 9-3, so I take the wi-fi with me when I go.  Then the boys can get their one hour each in an orderly manner when I get home.


Today, Calvin might need the wi-fi for school work, so I'll just put the wi-fi in my bedroom and put Calvin in charge of getting it out only when he needs it.  Not a perfect system but with enough procedures to make them think.


At weekends, we switch off the wi-fi from roughly 10-1 and 2.30 to 6.



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