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Burn Out before the year starts?

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Well this is year 6 (doing gr 6 and 7) for us and I am just not into it this year. I don't think it's burn out really but maybe boredom. I want something to excite me. I have been getting out items to start planning and just not having fun with it. Usually I am so gung ho looking at curriculum etc and can't wait to get started. This year, I'm not even sure of everything we are going to be doing yet. I am still committed to hs, but I really need to get rid of this "ennui".

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Well this is year 6 (doing gr 6 and 7) for us and I am just not into it this year. I don't think it's burn out really but maybe boredom. I want something to excite me. I have been getting out items to start planning and just not having fun with it. Usually I am so gung ho looking at curriculum etc and can't wait to get started. This year, I'm not even sure of everything we are going to be doing yet. I am still committed to hs, but I really need to get rid of this "ennui".




Hi Terri! Nice to have you here again!


I'm going into year 6, too, and I felt the same way a few months ago. No big advice to give, I just basically plowed through what I needed to do (we've already started the new school year) and started again. I think I feel a little better now that most of the planning and preparing is over and I'm back into a routine. This seems to be what I used to read about when people talked about how the excitement fades over a few years, and you just put your shoulder to the plow. ????


Anyway, you are not the only one! :)


Although, now that I've started up again, the glimmer of fun is coming back, with just getting into teaching new skills as my oldest gets older. I'm happy that I get to learn some skills I never learned before.


And I knit and craft. :)


Whooohoooo, we are up to FOUR Nova Scotians on the boards now!!

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Hi Terri,


This is definitely me. We are going into our 15th/16th yr of homeschooling. We have had 2 1/2 yrs of life stress and I am just plain tired. We moved in Feb, had a crisis with one of our children, didn't finish our school yr until the end of June/beginning of July (we normally finish the middle of May)


I hadn't even started planning for this coming yr (which we are starting next week) until about 2 weeks ago. Just getting started, making decisions, writing our plans has helped me get over the mental hump.


I also insist on having 1 1/2 hrs to myself per day. 30 mins in the morning for my coffee and wake up time and 45-60 mins for my daily workout. I used to feel guilty for those. I don't anymore. I need them and I take them.

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Because I feel exactly the same way. I usually dive into the planning with gusto, but this year there's nuthin'. So, obviously I can't really help you, but I can say I know exactly how you feel!


I just completed our schedule, which did help a bit. Maybe it's just the feeling that there's too much on my plate, and as I chip away I will be more into it.


Good luck. Here's to a great year!!:001_smile:

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Thanks Folks, just hearing it isn't just me seems to help. Nice to "see" you again too, Colleen. I had to re-sign up again here, my other profile was lost somehow, guess I'm just not active enough. Anyway getting my shoulders ready for the plow : ) Actually I think I will get a few catalogues and see what's interesting... maybe get something off the wall for a fun unit study to start us off or something....

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