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Where to live in Central Pennsylvania?


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We will be commuting to Carlisle, PA 5-6 days a week.  Where in Carlisle, or outlying areas, might be good places to raise a small family.  We homeschool an 8 and 12 year old.   We will be there for a year or so, so looking for either rental home, town home, or apartment.   Preferably a safe neighborhood, low crime, access to parks, libraries, etc.  Connecting with other homeschool families would be a plus!


Thank you in advance for your suggestions!

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Since someone mentioned Mechanicsburg, I'll chime in and say that it's a nice small town with (or within easy distance of) plenty of shopping.  The park is pretty good and there are some decent local stores downtown (Rosemary House, etc).  Jubilee Days is a downtown festival sometime in the summer.  I think there are a lot of homeschool families in the area, as well as public schools with a good reputation.  My in-laws live there, and DH spent all of his childhood there.  MIL teaches piano, if you need a teacher.  :)

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Thank you so much for your feedback and suggestions!   We will be heading to Pennsylvania at the end of the week for a couple of days, and we will certainly check out the Mechanicsburg area and Meridian Shores West.   Will let you know what we think when we return.


I truly appreciate your help!


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