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Simplifying 4th Grade - help?


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In the midst of planning for 4th grade, we found out that DS has vision issues that will require weekly therapy and daily "homework."  Apparently the therapy and homework can leave him feeling a bit tired, irritable or headachy, though it's possible he'll have no problems.  We'll see.  But for now, I'm planning for some difficulties, and hoping to be pleasantly surprised.  


In light of that, I'm changing our plans for 4th grade to simplify.


Can you look at this and tell me if I've simplified too much?  Have I cut out something essential?  Or ..  if I can simplify more, if needed?  Even alternate suggestions would be welcome.  Thanks!


The modified plan is:


BW Arrow for copywork and discussion

BW style poetry and tea, etc (he enjoys this, wouldn't want to drop it)

Continue cursive practice

MCT - continuing Island level.  Had planned on all components, but could drop some as needed.

Spelling - AAS

Reading - various books, and software recommended by eye doc

Math - TT4 and Life of Fred


Science - RSO


Atelier Art


I'm looking at science, history, and art as gravy, if we get the other stuff done.  


Any thoughts would be appreciated.  




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I suffer from migraines. When I want to study, but am sick to my stomach with pain, I listen to audio files, while I lay down in the dark. If I fall asleep, good, but usually I don't. I generally use below level resources when I'm feeling poorly, rather than challenging ones. The funny thing is, that I think I sometimes learn more from easy resources than harder ones.


When my son suffered from daily migraines before I pulled him out of school, every evening, I used to climb up on his bunk bed with him and read to him from biographies about the childhoods of famous men. He learned a LOT of history that way.


He also was coming to terms with his giftedness then and the negative reactions from school staff that thought gifted should exhibit differently than it was. I remembering him crying one night and saying, "Mommy, these boys are just like me!" He used to say that no famous men were liked by their teachers, except George Washington, and that he didn't count because he rode a horse to death (at 5 years old?) because of stubbornness and pride. :lol:

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When my youngest was in vision therapy last year, we did a lot less than you are doing. I put the vision therapy as the highest priority. I signed her up for dance classes, and we spent a lot of time outdoors everyday. I tried to make sure she exercised her body in as many ways as possible and made sure she had lots of opportunity to look at things at a distance to rest her eyes. I read to her a lot. Other than that, I kept school work to a minimum. She only did art, phonics and math as traditional subjects. I saw that you wanted to cut back, but I still see a lot of things on your list. My dd advanced by leaps and bounds after her vision therapy so it was worthwhile to simply our other school work.

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Hunter, that's a great idea.  I suspect that even this line up that I have right now may be too much on some days, so a back up plan is a good idea.  I think audiobooks will be the way to go.  I have some old biographies that I could read aloud, but when DS is sick he prefers audiobooks.  I will check audible, and put some things on my wish list.  

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When my youngest was in vision therapy last year, we did a lot less than you are doing. I put the vision therapy as the highest priority. I signed her up for dance classes, and we spent a lot of time outdoors everyday. I tried to make sure she exercised her body in as many ways as possible and made sure she had lots of opportunity to look at things at a distance to rest her eyes. I read to her a lot. Other than that, I kept school work to a minimum. She only did art, phonics and math as traditional subjects. I saw that you wanted to cut back, but I still see a lot of things on your list. My dd advanced by leaps and bounds after her vision therapy so it was worthwhile to simply our other school work.


Yes, I think you're on to something here.  I think our daily list will be too much, and I need to cut back further.  It helps to hear from other parents who've gone the vision therapy route!

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Ok, so I'm trying to cut this further.   Karen, can you help me out here?


How about:


Reading - various books, and software recommended by eye doc

Math - TT4 and Life of Fred (he loves LOF, but could drop it)

BW style poetry and tea, etc (he enjoys this, wouldn't want to drop it - it could be easily dropped if necessary)

Continue cursive practice through copywork


SOTW Light - listen only?  As he does other activities?  But no narrations etc?

Science - using books and hands on activities as he asks/seems ready for them?

Art - similar to science?  As requested?


Would that be more do-able?  I can drop Science, History, and Art off of our list of must-dos, and just leave them for days when it's clear he's up to them, so we move slowly through the subjects.  I think he'd miss them if we stopped altogether (though I could be wrong!).


He does have outdoor activities planned, though I may sign him up for an indoor exercise activity to keep the momentum going.  


What do you think?  It helps to bounce this off of someone who's been there and done it.  Thanks!






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If vision is a strain, you can always modify math too.  Do more orally, or on a huge white board rather than looking at a printed page or computer screen.  You don't have to switch currics to do that.  Just sit with her. kwim.

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