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Ascorbic vs Citric: The Great Peach Experiment


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Sooooo, I've done peaches for several years.  It's very frustrating to want to put up peaches WITHOUT sugar/honey/sweetner/et c.  I just want plain peaches, no added ingredients.


First I just froze them in slices.  Tasty but ugly results.


Then I froze them whole with skins on.  Tasty but ugly results.  They looked nice right away but then kind of collapsed and oxidized uglily.


I've always thought I would try freezing them in their own juice but I never get enough juice run off.  


So, today, I have some citric acid (plain, no other ingredients) and ascorbic acid (Fresh Fruit -- but if I like this way, I'll look for plain ascorbic acid).  I'm putting up a batch of ascorbic acid peaches now and getting ready to do one with citric acid.


I'm labeling to keep track.


Which do you think will be better?  


Is there another way that you've found to work well (at least semi attractive appearance and texture, no sweetener) that you can share?



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I puree, freeze in half-cup portions, then later serve with a half-cup of yogurt to make "fruit on the bottom" yogurt, which is perfect for take-along lunches.  The family loves it, no texture issues because it is pureed, no visual issues and it gets mixed in with the yogurt anyway.

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Well, the livestrong article does make it seem as if it'll be the ascorbic acid.  I'm hoping for the citric acid, though.  


I've got two slices of each thawing now and while I wait, I'm going to make the fruit-on-the-bottom cups.  I have one-cup glass bowls with rubber lids so I'm going to put a half cup in each and try your idea, justasque!


Stay tuned for the ascorbic/citric results.

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Well, the results are in!


Appearance: Ascorbic Acid/Fresh Fruit is definitely the winner here.  I thawed two slices and they are both bright, pretty pieces of fruit that look like fresh peach slices.


Taste: my husband and I preferred the Citric Acid but my daughter preferred the Ascorbic Acid.  


Texture: We all thought the Ascorbic Acid just barely won for the texture of the peach slice but it had a more slippery feel that made me prefer the Citric Acid.


It really wasn't much of a difference, though.


So . . . 


Now I have one batch of fruit leather, 6 cups of pureed peaches in the freezer, a whole bunch of slices frozen.  Mmmmm!  

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