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Our first year is officially *over*

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I knew homeschooling high school would be difficult, but I was not even remotely prepared for reality.  There was a lot of this :rant:  and a great deal more :toetap05: , but we're done.


I'm not feeling too great about algebra, but after 2 years of it DS is burned out and needs a break. He has the basics down and we'll probably start some kind of review/reinforcement skills late this year.  We're going to use a very basic geometry next year and hopefully that will help rebuild his math confidence.   Based on all the work he did do though, he earned a solid 75%, which is better than I expected.


I do feel good about English, despite all our struggles with it.  We covered a semester of creative writing and then went back to the basics with WWS1 after moving into our lit analysis and identifying problems.  All together though, we covered 10 short stories/fables, 2 Shakespeare plays, 8 novels, and half of A Beka's World Lit text as a world history supplement.  I didn't think we'd EVER get through the chapters on Greece & Rome though.  It really makes me glad we decided to skip a more classical approach.


DS amazed me with history. For all his complaints against using Spielvogel's Western Civ, he took the online quizzes and final exam through CengageBrain.com and finished up with A in the course.


I even updated my planner with notes and final grades for each course, lessons learned, and goals for next year so I have it all for my records.


I've done all the 10th grade planning I can do until the new books are purchased and have this week completely off since DS will be away for youth camp.   He'll have to finish up a 1/4 credit for fine arts and continue working on grammar and writing throughout the summer, but at least those are things he can quickly get done in the morning.


I feel much more confident that we will make it through the next 3 years, which is good since it's our only option. I just wanted to take a moment to say Thank You to all of you wonderful ladies for the help and advice that's been shared.  I'm honestly not sure what I would have done, or how well I'd have managed to stay sane this year, without the Hive.

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Thanks y'all.  


I was telling DH last night that it feels very odd to have nothing school related to do. Of course, he then took my comment about being done with planning until I had the books as a semi-guilt trip. I told him if he felt guilty about not having the books yet that was all on him, not me.  I certainly wasn't going to start buying new curric months ago only to forget where I stored everything. LOL

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