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For those who clean their home on Saturdays...

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I need some help to get my home in order!


We will be starting our new school year in September & my plans are almost finished. During our Summer break I will be going through the house, getting rid of 'stuff' & giving it a good clean. But I need to find a system of keeping my house in order that will stick.


I have two daughters whom I homeschool & I also work part time.


Please can you share your routines if you do most of your housework on Saturdays & smaller jobs through the week.



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We clean on Saturdays, but I don't think we have much of a routine. I like to do all the cleaning first thing in the morning, but if it's soccer or baseball season then we clean in the afternoon once games are over. I think it's important for us to have the children know what they need to do and in what order. Everything goes smoothly (and gets done quickly) if everyone's on task. The training takes time, but once it's a routine it's easy to maintain. I save deep-cleaning and organizing for the summer when we take a break from homeschooling and outside activities.

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I have a spreadsheet that I print out and then I tick boxes. Every Saturday I:

Tidy, sweep and wipe down the kitchen

Dust and hoover all the public spaces

Clean the basins, toilets and around the toilets, and sweep the rest of the floor

Water the plants


Every three weeks (doing one third each week and working around the house) I:

Dust and hoover all the other rooms

Clean the shower stalls/baths


On the first Saturday of each month I:

Choose a room and clean the inside of the windows.


That's it. It takes a few hours on a Saturday morning (if I'm organised and don't get distracted).


In winter, when there isn't much to do in the garden, I deep clean the house.



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Flylady has been immensely helpful here as well. We do certain things on certain days (for example, Mondays I vacuum and change the bed sheets, Tuesday I mop and windex the glass doors and windows, etc.) I only spend 10 minutes on each task. I'm in a different "zone" each week and spend 15 minutes a day cleaning up that zone. So, while I don't do all the cleaning on Saturday, I wanted to chime in, because it's the only way I've been able to keep our house "in order" as you mentioned. We are always home, so we inevitably need to be doing a little something each day. And doing a small amount each day is less overwhelming for the kids to help, and for me if something comes up and I can't spend a whole chunk of one day cleaning.

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I like Motivated Moms. You can download her PDF, or she has apps for phones/ipads. I like the PDF as I can print up the sheet and then assign people jobs. There are little boxes to check off what has been done. Essentially you have daily tasks, and then each day has 5-6 additional tasks to do. I can start with a total sty of a house and, doing just what is listed, have the place looking pretty good in 3 days! ;)

I tried FlyLady but got really bogged down with the emails I spent more time on the internet than cleaning, which is really easy for me to do! (haha)

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I don't like to do a little here and a little there, because I feel like it's never actually getting done. I would love to do it on Friday mornings, but well, that never gets done. We've been doing it on Saturdays, or on an afternoon, after school. Now that we have a dog, I have been doing my floors a lot more, though. Ugh. How old are your kids? Mine are finally at an age where they are actually able to help. (For real.) My son cleaned all 3 of my bathrooms today and it took him a bit longer than I'd have liked, but they are sparkling. Yay! Now that they're helping it's getting done a lot faster. We try and stay organized throughout the week, and that helps when it comes to cleaning, too. My motto is that everything needs to have a home. Sometimes that home is their "mommy isn't allowed" drawer that holds all their restaurant menus, church crafts, Trader Joes stickers - stuff that I'd rather just toss.


I don't know if I answered anything!

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I have a schedule and do moderate cleaning 4 days a week and 3 days off ( and by off I mean I still vacuum, do dishes, laundry and spot clean the bathrooms) and my house can get trashed quickly with my 4 kids and 2-3 daycare kids a day. I'm extremely nit picky and pick up as I go about the day to so nothing gets "piled up" Sundays is my only daycare free day and hubby chips in to do the deeper cleaning with me.

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