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I made a play kitchen!

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Actually, I made it last December for a Christmas present for my youngest who loves playing with food and pretending to cook. But I'm excited because I finally got my (super easy and inexpensive) instructions up on my blog. I'm sharing here because Christmas is only 6 months away! And while you don't need 6 months to make it, if you like to bargain hunt for the shelving units to convert, you might want to start looking around now.


ETA: Here's the Pin if you're interested.



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That is such a great design. I like that it could easily be converted into other storage after the child outgrows it. DD11 has a stove that DH built for her big sister and always wanted the rest of the kitchen to go with it. All I could find were either made of plastic and very small so she would soon outgrow it or very expensive (and beautiful) kitchens made of wood.

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Fab! Great job & great idea to post it now. My dc loved play kitchens when they were little. Fortunately, the thrill of them stuck for my ds & he likes to cook for real now. (Looking forward to handing over the entire job to him someday, lol.)

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