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ITBS: what level should my boys take? And what is the difference between

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Let me tell you something about the boys. Ds 10.7 has finished R&S English 5 and 2/3 done with WWS 1. He also just finished Singapore US 6A. Ds 8.5 has finished Singapore US 4B and 2/3 of R&S 4 English. Which tests should I give them?

Also, I see one test is.$29 and the other is $48.50. Which is the one you choose to use and what is the difference?

Thank you for your help!

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You didn't say what info or website you're looking at, but I suspect the price difference has to do with the additional optional CogAT aptitude test that can be taken with the ITBS, if you choose. This BJUPress testing website has info on both tests.


I had my DS take the ITBS + CogAT the first time at the appropriate grade level for his age. I felt that would give me a good baseline to work from. He "hit the ceiling" on that first test, so I had him take ITBS (no CogAT) above his grade level in subsequent years, in order to get more useful information. I do not test to meet any state requirements, just for personal use.

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Let me tell you something about the boys. Ds 10.7 has finished R&S English 5 and 2/3 done with WWS 1. He also just finished Singapore US 6A. Ds 8.5 has finished Singapore US 4B and 2/3 of R&S 4 English. Which tests should I give them?

Also, I see one test is.$29 and the other is $48.50. Which is the one you choose to use and what is the difference?

Thank you for your help!


You choose the test according to the grade level your dc would have finished if they had been in school this last school year. I'm guessing 5th and 3rd? That's because on a standardized test, children are being compared to the group of children whose scores are the norms; some of those children would have been working ahead of their grade levels academically, some would be below their grade levels, some would be smack in the middle.

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In terms of which grade level to administer, it would depend on whether you need to report the scores to anyone. If so, then test the grade level just completed. If you don't have to submit the scores to anyone, I would place by the math level (e.g. 6th & 4th) to provide more useful information for planning purposes.

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The first time I tested DD with the ITBS, she also did the CogAT. The results were helpful in applying to a specific program that wanted to see evidence of intellectual ability. This past year when I tested her, she just did the ITBS.


DS will most likely do the combo ITBS/CogAT next year.

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Sounds like you've made your decision, but just an additional piece of info we were given, the CogAT is supposed to measure achievement potential, which can be compared against the ITBS measure of actual achievement. If there is a wide disparity between the two, I suppose I'd want to do further testing for specific learning disabilities. Some kids are gifted and also have learning disabilities (a.k.a. Twice Exceptional or 2E), and sometimes the LDs are masked by their giftedness. Since we did not see a disparity between CogAT and ITBS results, I doubt I'll do CogAT again, although I've seen it recommended every two or three years. FWIW.

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Somewhat related--we don't have to test for reporting purposes either but dh and I decided we want to test our kids at least in grades 4, 6, and 8 with something like the ITBS. Given the above, maybe we'll do the CogAt the first time as well since my ds is definitely a bit quirky in his learning and it might help us think through some things.


When would I give the Grade 4 test? After completion of 4th grade? He is a rising fourth grader, nine in the fall, working above grade level in every subject (way, way above in some cases) except math where he'll be spending next year on BA 3B-4A (so he's using something quite challenging but, technically, I guess, behind grade level).

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When would I give the Grade 4 test? After completion of 4th grade? He is a rising fourth grader, nine in the fall, working above grade level in every subject (way, way above in some cases) except math where he'll be spending next year on BA 3B-4A (so he's using something quite challenging but, technically, I guess, behind grade level).


It depends on the source where you get your testing done. You don't have to wait until the end of his 4th grade year if you don't want to wait that long. For grades 3 and up, there is a normed group of ITBS results based on kids who took the test in the fall of the school year (i.e., a month or two into 4th grade), and another normed group who took it in the spring of the school year (i.e., almost finished with 4th grade). ITBS testing can be done year round with some providers. For others, there is a fall testing period (the month of October, I believe) and a spring testing period (mid-March to end of April, I believe). So just ask your provider or look at the websites of the providers you might be considering.


ETA: You may already know this, but you can either go to a testing center or use a co-op that offers testing, or you can also give the ITBS yourself, if you meet the criteria:


For The Iowa Tests the tester must

  • Have a Bachelor of Arts or Science degree OR
  • Be a teacher, certified by a state department of education to teach in a public school or other conventional school (homeschool or local association certification does not qualify) OR
  • Be or have been a full-time academic classroom teacher in a conventional school (not a homeschool) AND
  • Be listed with us as a pre-approved tester for this series by completing an easy online application

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