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Can some one look at my tentative plan for 20th Century Asian History(ish)?

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DS wants to do 20th Century(ish) Asian history next year. I found this course from MIT and am considering using it as a sort of outline for the class. Its not history, per se. Its...communications? Anthropology? Dunno. Its interesting though, he'd like it. I wouldn't assign the assignments, but instead traditional papers. Add more reading (I have an extensive book collection on Asia already), add more countries (Korea more in depth, Vietnam and southeast Asia, maybe Russia or India).


He is taking another open source class on modern China that is 4 weeks long through somewhere else (not on this computer). I can probably find some Russia-specific stuff too, via TTC or open source classes (He asked specifically for Russia to be included).


What do you think? I think it will work great for a spine to hang my other topics upon, but I worry its a bit "out there" to be listed as high school history/social sciences for a transcript. My original plan of topics arranged geographically (4 weeks overview,6 weeks China, 5 weeks Japan, 5 weeks Korea, 4 weeks SE Asia, 4 weeks Russia, 4 weeks Central Asia, 4 weeks India) sounds kind of boring, but more traditional. Thoughts?

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It seems to fall under the social studies category to me. I don't think it's out there, it's approaching cultural history in a different manner. In fact, thank you for linking it. I'd looked at it briefly before. Ds will be probably be doing a semester or two of Japanese history/culture, this might work for us too.

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