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Childcraft - Useful? Suggestions?


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I was recently at an amazing garage sale. The family was moving to Hawaii. I am pretty sure I bought a bunch of the books they'd set aside for a future grandchild. Many of the books seemed geared to homeschooling preschool, so I asked. The Dad said, "No, we are just awesome parents." (which warmed my heart) Anyway, I got a great deal on a set of Childcraft books. It looks complete. It looks interesting. But, it wasn't something I sought out or planned on. Any suggestions? Warnings?


(I did a search and found an old thread about using them as a Science spine, so that is promising)

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I have them too, also from a garage sale. we're going to do wtm science for grade 1 in the fall so i was thinking og readinf through the body, the plant kingdom and the animal one over the summer. ds loves that stuff. im intersted to know of other resources or ideas around these books too. i also have the yearly books they put out from 1978 to 1998, and they all look just as good!

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I had them as a child and read very single one from cover to cover. I still have them and the kids are interested but there are more books that are usually more appealing at the library. I like that we have a resource that covers a broad range so that they can look at something immediately after it grabs their interest vs waiting until a trip to the library.

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What age to start? Or skill level? Maybe, Listens to Read-Alouds Without Pictures?



Interest level is quite broad and there are lots of pictures in most of them. You could use it as a read aloud for younger kids when they ask specific questions that are addressed in the books. I like them best for independent reading though, mid to upper elementary.

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I have one childcraft book that I am planning to use next year as a 3rd grade spine for physical science. It looks quite workable. It isn't a very old one. I don't like to use science resources that are totally antiquated, lol. But this one, along with the rather huge snap circuit kit and a TOPS book or two should get us through the year.

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I have 2 sets, 1 complete, and only 6 volumes of the other one. My kids look at/read them all the time. They are probably the most loved books in our house. We don't really use them to look things up, but my kids like to just look through them when they don't have anything else going on. We have also read many of the stories from the literature volumes.

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Are these the old edition, with orange covers, or the later ones, with different colors for each volume?



The latest year for one of the numbered ones is 1996. They are mostly a light color, the spine has the name in dark blue and gold and each book has a different drawing on the bottom of the spine. There are some non-numbered ones that look like special editions. Based on the mark on the inside, they were originally purchased for a private school (and never used).


It was a good thing you made me go look. #15 How to Use Childcraft was the last one I looked at and it had fallen open and askew into the box.


eta: I wished I'd had these earlier. A few weeks ago I accidentally introduced death to my daughter. You are thinking, How does that happen accidentally? While carting her off to bed, she asked about the cat bed shoved on our storage shelf in the man-cave. I said, "Oh, that was for the cat I used to have. But she never liked it" You can fill in the rest of the conversation. DD was obsessed with the cat and death for the next couple of weeks. i noticed the book had "Talking about death with children"

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