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What do yall make of this? Early pg and u/s related again...


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Dd went in for an u/s today. Last week they saw a yolk sac, but no fetal pole (or if there was one, it was super tiny).


Today, 6 days later, abdominal scan showed yolk sac, and what the tech said looked like the FP with a little flickering heartbeat. She decided to do a vag ultrasound to see if she could get a clearer view, and I'm telling you it was LESS visible. After doing the TV u/s she said she couldn't really give us any definitive answers.


I'm thinking I'm gonna go with the idea that there was a FP and little flicker of a heartbeat and assume the best.


Could there be a reason we couldn't see as well with the TV u/s? Tilted uterus?


Also, if indeed there was no heartbeat, does that necessarily mean this pg is non-viable? Dd is probably JUST 6 weeks (maybe 4 and a few days post-conception).


Throw me a bone here - we will have no ultrasound for TWO WEEKS and I'm not sure which of us will be more stressed!!

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At the risk of sounding old ("Back in my day, we didn't have ultrasounds until 16 weeks. And we walked to school in five feet of snow, uphill both ways.") why are they doing so many ultrasounds so early?


In my experience, early testing does more harm than good. My one pre-16-week ultrasound (because I was measuring large and they were checking for twins) led to a false diagnosis of a terminal prenatal condition, a CVS, multiple high-level ultrasounds, a fetal echocardiogram, and a ton of stress. And that was only seven years ago.


I haven't been on much, so my apologies if I've missed the back story.

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With my youngest, I had lots of early u/s because of my previous pregnancy complications. At 6 weeks, we only saw what appeared to be an empty yolk sac. I was terrified, but my ob reassured me and sure enough, all was fine. That was the pregnancy that resulted in my now super healthy 7yo. So, it's definitely possible that all is well. :)

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Because my last one was ectopic, this time I had u/s at 5wk & 7wk, to make sure everything was in place. At 5wk, it was the same - visible yolk sac but not fetal pole, checked both ways; at 7wk, they showed me the heart beating with just abdominal, didn't have to do t/v. I found out at dr visit a few weeks later that uterus is tilted, and I don't know if they tilt in different directions, but it makes sense that that could make it harder to see with one method or the other. At that visit, we couldn't hear the hb on doppler, but he's not worried because it's still early (I think that was 9 wks), and he said the tilt makes it harder to hear.


My point is, just because you couldn't *see* the heart beating this time, doesn't mean it isn't beating. It's still SO early. If everything seems to be in the right locations, that's good news, and seeing the things that are definitely supposed to be visible by this point is also good news. I think if they (the people with experience in this) were worried, they would have had her come in sooner, instead of waiting two weeks. I know how hard it is to not know for sure, though!

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It is pretty frustrating, but they were doing them because her cycles are SO messed up (she had her LMP in late March, and hasn't had one since, but is only about 6 weeks pg). Her HCG was being monitored and they had an u/s scheduled thinking she was a little farther along. Of course once they saw only the yolk sac, they wanted to repeat it. Now we will have to repeat it again.


Thanks so much for any prayers. I know I'm gonna be praying hard!

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