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"Teach LIke A Champion" "Why Students Don't LIke School" "Practice Perfect"

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Is anybody reading these books? What do you think?


I grabbed Practice Perfect from the new books shelf at my library this summer and it's made me re-think how I've been attempting to teach my kids. This book is a spin-off from Teach Like A Champion, which I have started reading. PP referenced Why Students Don't Like School.


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While most of the specific methods in Teach Like a Champion seemed more relevant to large classroom management, the meta-message resonated deeply with me, and I think is something that many homeschoolers could take to heart. That is, teaching isn't as much a science as it is a craft. And, the craft and techniques of the day-to-day minutiae of teaching are often more important than the grand theories of education. Too often, we seek the curricular silver bullet, thinking, if only I had the right textbook, I could teach any subject. However, we don't as often focus on the basic craft of teaching. According to Teach Like a Champion, education majors suffer the same mistakes, and are taught endlessly how to make a lesson plan, develop and use curriculum, but not the fundamentals of interaction with students. Things like: How do we phrase questions of our students? How do we correct their mistakes? How do we know when to move on to the next level? etc. etc. etc. Just like public school teachers, HS'ing is a solitary craft, and we don't get much opportunity to watch and learn from our peers. Even cashiers at McDonalds work next to other cashiers every day, and indirectly learn by watching and listening. Teachers, however, mainly toil alone, and don't have the opportunity to watch and learn how others teach, and it is difficult to learn new and better ways to perform our craft.


I would gladly buy a book like this, if it were to focus on the craft and techniques of one-on-one teaching. I'm sure there's a lot of specific things I could do better than I don't even realize.

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