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Anyone interested in learning jewelry-making?

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Just wanted to share this great class in beginning wire-worked jewelry that starts tomorrow (June 18): Design and Make Artistic Jewelry Components, from Rena Klingenberg's Jewelry Making Journal. Rena has lots of free tutorials, on her website. For the full class, you need to subscribe (free) to her newsletter, but that also provides you with other great resources.

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Lori D: I hope you enjoy the jewelry class. There are 2 photos with this post. One photo is of Earrings/Necklace DD made for my wife, for her Birthday/Mother's Day, in 2011. DD made them in a class, when she was in 4th grade in a brick and mortar school.


The other photo shows what they were made from. I believe those things are part of a plant, or, part of a tree. I bought them in the “Galeriaâ€, which is like a Farmers Market.


The next time I can attend a concert of my favorite singer, I am going to pay DD, to make 2 more sets, one for the woman who sings with him and one for his Manager When they look at those, they will recall “Lanny’s DD in Colombia made those for meâ€.


If you learn how to make jewelry and you give people something you custom made for them, it’s very special.

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