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What to use for 5th grade grammar? R&S or?

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A little background:


My 10yo dd has had little grammar instruction. She *just* finished EG's Daily Guided Teaching and Review for grade 2. So, yes, she is sorely behind. She also needs a LOT of hand-holding in all of her school work. I am trying to teach her to be more independent and need less of Mommy to figure out what needs to be done. I really want to use the 5th grade to catch-up and strengthen her grammar this next school year.


With all that in mind, is R&S English for 5th grade something that will work? Or is there something else that may work better. FLL books aren't in her age group, are they? And doesn't FLL require a lot of handholding? Will FLL teach her to learn independently?


Thanks for any and all help.

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do you want only grammar, or a more comprehensive English?


If you want only grammar, then my recommendation would be Easy Grammar.


R&S's English series is more than grammar; it's also composition, using reference materials, oral speaking, and more.


I'm not sure I'd recommend Following the Plan if she hasn't had much grammar already, and not if she hasn't been doing lots of writing already. She might be able to do Building With Diligence (4th grade), though.

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I apologize for not getting to this sooner. Our modem went out. . . ack!


Anyways, we do not want to continue with Easy Grammar because DD hated it and so I am looking for something new for her to use. I am leaning more towards R&S because it includes so many area of language arts, though I think we will also start SWI-A or B from IEW.


I probably will go a grade lower for R&S with her, though this is one of those times I wish I could hold the curricula in my hands to compare it. One of these days, I'll make my dream of starting a homeschooling curricula chain store a reality . . .

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FLL4 would likely be a good fit for her. However, it is scripted with a teacher's manual so it is not independent. It is very thorough and straightforward, though, and it would be a good way for her to "catch up" in grammar.


R&S is also very thorough, and it can be used more independently, though I do not use it independently. We actually do it mostly orally due to a pencil phobic child with fine motor issues. If you use R&S, I would choose a lower level than 5 to start with, I believe.



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OP, neither R&S nor FLL can be used very effectively without teacher involvement, IMO. If you need her to be independent, I don't think you'll get what you want from either of those programs. What exactly did she dislike about EG's Daily Guided Teaching and Review for grade 2? Perhaps it was partly because it was too basic/easy for her, do you think? I don't know her situation, just asking. A lot of grammar repeats year after year, so maybe a program that is meant to be used independently and is closer to her grade-level will fit the bill? With grammar you generally do not have to start at the very beginning level-wise for an older student, just jump in with your chosen program at grade-level. I like both Easy Grammar and Hake, and both are workbooky programs that can be done independently at your DD's grade level. If you could pinpoint what she disliked about EG, maybe others could offer more suggestions.

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