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Books on CD for adults


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My husband has horrible vision. If he tries to read he has headaches after just a few minutes. He loves to listen to books on cd. Unfortunately, our local library has nothing. I'm not sure if the next town over has books on cd, but if they do, it's probably not a lot.


His vision is becoming worse and he will eventually need surgery. He was not legally blind at his appointment a few years ago, but he is either there or close.


Are there any online libraries that offer books that could be downloaded and read? He's a tech guy so we have several computers, kindles, ipads, etc. I'm just not sure where to go or how to do it. He purchases one book a month through audible, but it's becoming expensive.


Thanks for any suggestions.

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Overdrive is a program that offers audiobooks for a device through your library. I remember seeing on another thread here once that you can get a card from the Free Library of Philadelphia for $35 a year and that they have audiobook son Overdrive.


Another thought would be to contact one of the organizations that does books for the blind. Here is one from a quick Google search.http://www.loc.gov/nls/what.html It says you don’t have to be legally blind but can have a physician certify that you are unable to read standard printed material. Your husband’s ophthalmologist may also know of other resources. I’m sure this is an issue for many other patients.

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Also, I have picked up some great books for free through my kindle and amazon. There was a thread not too long ago, where if you downloaded the classic book for free from amazon the audible version was either free or just a few dollars. It was great.


I'll see if I can find links and check back in later. :)

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