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Easier to read classics...

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I'd appreciate any classics that you can remember reading or that your own dc read that were written on a middle-school reading level, but with mature topics that would interest a high school boy.


This year he's read AND enjoyed The Outsiders, The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas to name just two.


He recently started Lord of the Flies, but was hating it, so I put it aside for now. (That one is on of his older brother's favorites and that alone might be why he really doesn't want to like it).


Last year he read (with audio) Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. He says no book will ever top Tom Sawyer.


He doesn't like reading fantasy, although he did enjoy the Giver (read that too this year...wasn't a fav. but liked it).


He's not read a biography this year. I'm looking for that also. I think he'll enjoy bios.



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Trying googling "short classics." There are quite a few lists to peruse.


I realize that just because they are short, it doesnt necessarily mean they are easier but sometimes they are.


For me, the bonus of them being short is that my kids and I could discuss them in a relatively short time frame, so details, plot, characterization, etc are fresher.


A favorite easier, shorter work is Of Mice and Men.


Short classics

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We all loved My Side of the Mountain .


You could consider some of the novels used in Lightning Literature 7 and 8, especially:


All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot (and if he likes it, there are several sequels in the series, very fun to read, very funny)


The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien (excellent and fun to read, but it is fantasy)


My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell (hilarious, a real joy to read)


To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (genuine classic, short, easy to read)

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Catcher in the Rye and A Separate Peace are the first ones that come to mind. Ds14 has read and enjoyed both this year. He also recommends Tex and Rumble Fish, if your son is interested in reading a few more by SE Hinton.

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