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National Piano Guild auditions, what to expect?

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My son is participating in the National Piano Guild Auditions next week. He is participating in the elementary level and it is a requirement from his piano teacher. He has prepared 4 pieces and seems ready to do it. I am not sure what to expect. The teacher is not a native english speaker and has a hard time explaining to me what more is needed - she just says to practice the pieces and that my son will do great. I don't know anything about piano music and auditions and a google search just turned up the generic information. I am not even sure what the ranges of the testing result score will be etc (if they even have test results?). Any parents who have experience with guild auditions, please educate me. Thanks in advance.

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He'll go in, play by memory for one or more adjudicators (in a private room, not in front on an audience), and get a scorecard, certificate, and pin (some teachers distribute these later). Depending on his level, he may be asked to sight read. It's fairly low-stress.

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My daughter has been doing Piano Guild Auditions for 7 years and it is really low-key. In our experience, the judges are very friendly and easy-going. My dd has memorized 15 pieces this year and has a couple more weeks to polish them before her audition.

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He'll go in, play by memory for one or more adjudicators (in a private room, not in front on an audience), and get a scorecard, certificate, and pin (some teachers distribute these later). Depending on his level, he may be asked to sight read. It's fairly low-stress.



This is what my son did too. It was fun for him, and the judge just wrote down things he did well and things he needed to work on. The grading is opposite of school Cs are good and As are things they need to work on. Don't forget to being his music even if the pieces are memorized.

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Thanks! I managed to talk to the "master teacher" at my son's music school. she gave me the same information as you all - that it is a no stress environment, the judge tries to "constructively" comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the student and that the grades are either "C" for Competent or "A" for needs Attention. We are doing elementary level, so it is just for the "good habit" of practicing and getting the pieces "polished".

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My daughter has done this as well. It is a great way to get independent feedback from judges. It also is good practice playing in front of others. Try to help your ds not be too stressed or nervous. The judges are normally just piano teachers who want to see all the participants do well.


Good luck!


Elise in NC

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Thanks for all your help. My child's audition today turned out to be super easy and zero stress. The judge was a very experienced player who teaches at a prestigious music college and has performed at Carnegie hall and released her own album while my son was playing pieces in the "elementary" category which made me wonder if she might have very high standards. The judge turned out to be very nice and said some very encouraging things to my son (I could hear dim voices through the glass walls of the performance rooms and could make out some words). When the judge walked out of the building, she spotted my child and came up and said that he did a great job. We are awaiting the report card, but I wanted to say that I love this kind of low stress "auditions" with super nice judges than the high pressure competitions and recitals.

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