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What's the closest election you've been involved in?


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I've read historical stories over the years about really close elections with just a few or even one vote separating the outcomes but last night a school levy in our area was defeated by only 8 votes. There were a total of about 3500 voter yesterday.


I was at a ballgame where people were talking about it (before the polls were closed). One lady was talking about five people she knew who were out of town that didn't vote early and joking about how annoyed she would be if it was that close. Hmmm . . .almost . . .


It's an interesting feeling to know that a lot of money hinged on just eight people showing up at an election booth during May.


I think it's the first time in my life, I truly feel a part of the process. You can probably guess which side I was on :)


What's the closest election you've been a part of?

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New York 20th Congressional District

Scott Murphy (D): 77,217 – 50%

Jim Tedisco ®: 77,192 – 50%

% Precincts Reporting: 100%

Pretty close for an election where over 150,000 people voted.

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I'm embarrassed to admit that the closest vote I've been involved in was one where I didn't vote. It was to add a special tax for the city. I was going to vote against but it was "one of those days" and I completely forgot to vote. The measure passed by one vote. My vote against it would have made a tie. I'm not sure what would have happened if it had been a tie, though. We ended up moving shortly afterward (before the tax was in place) so I'm not sure how it all worked out.


Whenever I feel like my one little vote doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things I remember that time and how my one vote might have made a difference for my town.

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