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Can anyone recommend a Creative Writing course for HS?

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I've been considering "One Year Adventure Novel" as a creative writing course. It doesn't fit all your criteria, however, since it is not inexpensive and would cover a full year's worth of work (1 credit). Still, I've been reading mostly positive reviews and it can be done independently by the student.


Alternatively, maybe use one of the NaNoWriMo workbooks (download for free!) and just go from there. You could set a number of words/pages that you require the student to finish for 0.5 credits.


I'll be watching this thread for other ideas. I didn't push creative writing with my oldest but the younger DD loves to write stories.

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You might look at The Writer's Journey. It's set up to show a typical quest novel evolves. It uses movies a lot as examples, but it's very thorough with so good rabbit trail ideas, including looking at Jungian archetypes. It's written for adults and I read it with those eyes. So I would preview for your acceptability. I did like it so much I bought a copy for ds and we'll go through it at some point. It would definitely more detailed than the Nano books and less expensive the OYAN.

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No firsthand experience with it, but I'll toss out the fact that Hewitt Homeschooling sells a Creative Writing syllabus.


"Hewitt's syllabus for Creative Writing showing "Objectives and Text," "Organizing Your Study," "Quarterly Assignments and Reporting," and "Grading Criteria" for the course. Whether your student wants to write "The Great American Novel," short stories for magazines, a play for his or her church, or simply for his or her own pleasure, this syllabus/text can help. This year-long course covers plotting, conflict, character development, point of view, dialogue, figurative speech, and more. Although intended primarily for short story and novel writing, aspiring playwrights and script writers will also find it instructional. Poetry is not covered. All projects are writing-based. No text is required; a bibliography of writing books is included. For Hewitt high school enrollees, this class can only be taken as an elective; it cannot be substituted for a basic English course."




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I've been considering "One Year Adventure Novel" as a creative writing course. It doesn't fit all your criteria, however, since it is not inexpensive and would cover a full year's worth of work (1 credit). Still, I've been reading mostly positive reviews and it can be done independently by the student.


Alternatively, maybe use one of the NaNoWriMo workbooks (download for free!) and just go from there. You could set a number of words/pages that you require the student to finish for 0.5 credits.


I'll be watching this thread for other ideas. I didn't push creative writing with my oldest but the younger DD loves to write stories.


I'd forgotten about OYAN. Thanks for the reminder! She does have a blog, so maybe she would like the Nano...Thanks!


You might look at The Writer's Journey. It's set up to show a typical quest novel evolves. It uses movies a lot as examples, but it's very thorough with so good rabbit trail ideas, including looking at Jungian archetypes. It's written for adults and I read it with those eyes. So I would preview for your acceptability. I did like it so much I bought a copy for ds and we'll go through it at some point. It would definitely more detailed than the Nano books and less expensive the OYAN.


Ill check into this, thanks!


No firsthand experience with it, but I'll toss out the fact that Hewitt Homeschooling sells a Creative Writing syllabus.


"Hewitt's syllabus for Creative Writing showing "Objectives and Text," "Organizing Your Study," "Quarterly Assignments and Reporting," and "Grading Criteria" for the course. Whether your student wants to write "The Great American Novel," short stories for magazines, a play for his or her church, or simply for his or her own pleasure, this syllabus/text can help. This year-long course covers plotting, conflict, character development, point of view, dialogue, figurative speech, and more. Although intended primarily for short story and novel writing, aspiring playwrights and script writers will also find it instructional. Poetry is not covered. All projects are writing-based. No text is required; a bibliography of writing books is included. For Hewitt high school enrollees, this class can only be taken as an elective; it cannot be substituted for a basic English course."





Oh, my, I should have known about this since she's doing LL this year; I'm sure I've skimmed right over it several times. :tongue_smilie: Thank you!




Excellent ideas!

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