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phonogram review?


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We started with 100 EZ Lessons and my daughter just took off with it so we didn't even finish the book. I want her to know actual phonics rules, so I bought AAS. As much as I adore the program, it just wasn't reasonable with two younger children who just wanted to play with the tiles the whole time.


I don't know if we need an actual teaching program, as she picks up that stuff pretty easy. Is there anything that does some kind of phonogram review?


She loves workbooks and we have ETC. Does that cover all the phonograms? If not, is there something that works better? She will be in K this year, but is reading at a 2nd+ grade level and working more on a 1st grade level. (Math is a different story...)

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Oh, that is such a good idea, as well. I was just looking back at AAS and I really do wish I could implement somehow in this house. Those two apps together might be just what I am looking for!


Thank you ladies!


(Any other suggestions are appreciated!)

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You might want to refer to a copy of the LoE list of phonograms, just to make sure you are on the same page with all the sounds each phonogram makes along with sample words. They are saying the sounds in the app, but at least for me (if I didn't already have the curriculum) I would need to visually see this information as well. All the phonograms are not going to be 100% the same as in other programs.

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I first want to say this is first time I have put two different quotes in one post. Yay me!


There is an app call simplex spell that is basically having tiles but on the iPad. You could use AAS but put all your tiles away from little hands and just use the app.

Okay, there are several available. Is it the free version? They all seem like they come with spelling lists. Is there one that lets you use the tiles freely, outside of their directed spelling lists?


We use AAS and I have several littles. It works best to do it while the littles nap or are on my back. Does your 2yo still nap?

We have a mandated quiet time around here for everyone. This momma needs it! It leaves me schooling when everyone is awake, so I have to find other ways to work around it!

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We have a mandated quiet time around here for everyone. This momma needs it! It leaves me schooling when everyone is awake, so I have to find other ways to work around it!


I understand. That's what I used to do. Now that I have 5 kids it doesn't really happen anymore (though they are all in bed early enough that I get some time at night now). Can you just teach your 2yo to leave the tiles alone? I know, easier said than done. But she has some things that are off limits, right? Maybe give her some fun stuff to do just while you do spelling. Or, this is one of the few times that I would utilize a pack'n'play.

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I can't remember cost since I bought it a year ago but I do know it was discounted. Basically it has it's on spelling list but sorted by phonograms. There is a board of letters and child drags letter to empty slots to spell word that was given orally. It keeps track of missed words and mastered words. You can also have multiple kids on same app working at different levels. You can choose which list you want them to work on based on their lesson in AAS. Hope that answers your question.

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I can't remember cost since I bought it a year ago but I do know it was discounted. Basically it has it's on spelling list but sorted by phonograms. There is a board of letters and child drags letter to empty slots to spell word that was given orally. It keeps track of missed words and mastered words. You can also have multiple kids on same app working at different levels. You can choose which list you want them to work on based on their lesson in AAS. Hope that answers your question.


So you use their lists with the program instead of the AAS words?

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Yes, if learning about the oa phonogram in AAS, then I can use the app list of those words. The list is organized by phonograms. Then I have ds write the words/phrases from AAS. The app is just another reinforcement without using tiles.

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