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Parenting the Gifted Blog Tour, 2013

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Hello again! Regarding the linky, I think we should officially save that idea for next year. One of our blog tour participants is in the middle of a health scare right now, so I don't want to add any extra commitments.


If you're talking about me, I'm doing much better now and I can do this if I understood exactly what it is you need from me?


And in other news the Blog Tour is officially started! :) My post turned out a bit different than I original planned, so I hope I didn't completely lose the meaning behind the title. :(

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Jen- you have been emailed the code to send out to everyone.


Everyone- Look for the code from Jen. You'll need to say something like "Read the rest of the tour here" and then copy the linky code to the end of your blog posts html. I will add the links for each post, so you don't even need to worry about that. It will automatically update on your page. You can see how it looks here:



As everyone posts, the links will show up on your page until everyone is added :) Whoo hoo!

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Jen- I just sent you the non-java (free wordpress) linky code- if you have a free wordpress blog, email jen to get it! :) The script should work on all others.


I noticed that the Linky has Homeschooling Hatter's post as "Grief and the Young Gifted" but the contribution specifically for the blog tour was "Just Let Him Be a Kid."

And the picture for "When a Flower Blooms" is from my blog, but it was a guest post and those kids aren't the ones being mentioned in the post. Would you mind changing it to the Blog Tour logo?


And thank you for putting that together! It looks really professional. :D

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Did Homeschooling Hatter end up putting up the other post? I thought the Grief one was a last second change. Yes, I can change the image for the guest post on your blog as well, it's late here, so i put it on the to-do for first thing in the AM :)

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I am new here. I would love to be able to read the articles in the blog tour. What is the link?



Links to all of this year's: http://sceleratusclassicalacademy.blogspot.com/search/label/Parenting%20the%20Gifted%20Blog%20Tour%202013


Links to all of last year's: http://sceleratusclassicalacademy.blogspot.com/search/label/Parenting%20the%20Gifted%20Blog%20Tour%202012

(click on the article names for links to the actual articles.)

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