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How to schedule Miquon with Singapore


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I roughly alternate the two -- a few pages (around 4, but maybe 2 or maybe 6, depending on how complicated the concept is) of Miquon one day, a few pages of Singapore the next. I didn't do Singapore Level 1, so in first grade, DS1 just did the first two Miquon books and not every day. This year (second grade), he did the Green and Blue Miquon books and is finishing up Singapore 2B. He decided he wanted to wait to do the last two Miquon books until next school year, but he may finish up 2B before his older sister finishes her math book, so I may start him on 3A in the next couple of weeks (we have about 4-5 weeks left of the school year).


I haven't worried too much about matching up topics or anything like that. I figure the creators of each program have a reason for the orders they've chosen, and overall, I like the spiral approach, because I think it's good for kids to come back to concepts in different ways/levels as their brains mature.

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Here s a thread concerning trying to line them.



Plus, I tried the web address of the chart I have, but it doesn't exist anymore. It was based on the older US editions of the Singapore books, so I guess it wouldn't be useful if you didn't have those versions of the books. Let me know if you want me to photocopy it and see it in the regular mail.

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The topics are well marked in the Miquon books. It's is best to approach new topics via Miquon first, allowing for discovery and exploration first, before taking on the more direct instruction in Singapore.


I would resist the temptation to allign the two series too tightly. You do not want to lose the discovery aspect of Miquon.


Do (as a parent-teacher) read the topical information in the Lab Annotations book so you really get the mathematical laws behind the operations. Singapore only teaches these laws "implicitly" where Miquon will help you make this knowledge "explicit."



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