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Dana Mosely fans!

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I already purchased (used) the DVD's that were originally for Houghton Mifflin. They are advanced (Calc and PreCalc)so I have been watching them myself--with my older dd when she hit an advanced concept that I didn't know right off the bat, I just got behind and really couldn't help much except for correcting from a book. (this happened right after functions) It just wasn't on the tip of my tongue. Then we had to wait for her dad. The tutors weren't so good since they helped her and she didn't really "learn".


I have been pleased how much I can do now, after the refresher --and practicing myself, I am happy that so far I can explain how to start the problem and what to do. Now I do make a lot of silly math errors, but my dd checks my work. I also found I can make the same mistake twice or more in a row!!:blushing: She actually doesn't mind that part as long as I can get her started.


So- in the spirit of learning I have been doing a few of the Pre Cal (and they are so good to help you out!) I just watch for now. My husband said the Calculus is just wonderful. And so many kids complain they can't understand the accent of their math teacher! It's a shame they don't use him! So I thought I would just live high and go to the HM site directly and purchase NEW something else by D. Mosely if there was anything. (not bother with used) They are well worth it and I was reading about everyone finding them. I could not find them on the HM site since it was purchased by Cengage! So I thought- they might be getting hard to find at least this summer so I better look for used. (just searched under Dana Mosely) So I found Tah Dah (the college algebra $15) not bad and another course called Mathematical Applications which is your basic financial finite and probability math course for "Management, Life and Social Sciences" Harshbarger (8th) 2007 for $24. (kind of an applied Calculus" Ten brand new DVD's! I had an earlier edition from a thrift store, its a lot of book (900 pages) and I decided the ratings were pretty good. The book is pretty expensive, I will wait to get that, plus Sol. Manual. My dd is interested in computers so I think some of this works. I will save it for another year or so. I was thrilled to find this course (not that I know much about it, but the book looks doable for me) It says you can enroll after 2 years of algebra (will see) There's no trig. The book has 14 chapters, and the latter ones do look like calculus.

But I could not find any Dana Mosely on the HM (new) website. I would recommend getting going on finding what you want--you never know what the new arrangements will be once the publisher has been sold. The website didn't look all that text supported like it used to either. The Larson books used to have wonderful printable study guides (many pages, plus vocabulary) (and solutions) on HM that you could fill in the blanks after printing for free. Hope we see them again!

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Yes- exactly-- I found them as Houghton Mifflin Calculus DVD a while back on ebay. I thought sticker price would be terribly expensive new from HM, or off limits for regular people, and so I paid in the high 40's on ebay. I think new they were about$56 to $60! (its the whole course) Books are Larson Precal and Larson Calculus--same as the ones used by chalkdust.. The precal is for 2 different titles of Precalculus books all graphing.(you have to match your section -one lecture per section of the book. it's very easy, not much differences) The calculus is for many or most of Larson's calculus books, All the Larsons around 2003 I think.(7th?) You get a guide because some of the books just change the order of the chapters but it really looks like sections fit according to the CD website. If there's no guide, then the DVD's are clearly marked with section. He does a wonderful job and the sections are 30-45 minutes each. --I have not purchased or watched chalkdust, I bought these instead and they are just great. I was kind of surprised to see this different text (Mathematical applications) since I thought he only did Larson but this is an oddball. (maybe Larson didn't write one of these?) I will watch it this week and let you know how it is. I think there was still one or two available used on Amazon yesterday. It was marketed as Dana Mosely DVD's and they hadn't even been opened. There is another thread about this exact same topic I will have to look,mainly talking about the Calculus course CDust vs. HM . I'm sorry if I'm not making myself clear. (have a bad head cold) Did this answer your question? Of course, there isn't any assignment or other help.The books are so well known that they are easy to find plus the solution manual for cheap. Maybe someone could check with Cengage and report back if we can still get our beloved DM on DVD!

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several weeks/months ago. I seem to remember reading that the Chalkdust materials were originally produced for the textbook publisher, but DM has permission to market the dvd's through his own company as well. The CD materials do cost more, but buying from Mr. Mosely's company entitles you to after purchase support.




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several weeks/months ago. I seem to remember reading that the Chalkdust materials were originally produced for the textbook publisher, but DM has permission to market the dvd's through his own company as well. The CD materials do cost more, but buying from Mr. Mosely's company entitles you to after purchase support.





I may be wrong, but I thought the Chalk Dust DVD's were recorded for middle school and high school students. The DVD's he did for HM were recorded for college. I would expect those DD's to move at a faster pace.

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  • 2 years later...

I'm pleased to let anyone who has used any of Mr. Mosely's products in the past know, that he now has his own online math lesson website for students of all levels. It is very easy to find. You can either Google "Dana Mosely" or "Cool Math Guy" or simply go to: http://coolmathguy.com


There are many courses available for Online Math Help and even some really great Kids Math Games.



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I may be wrong, but I thought the Chalk Dust DVD's were recorded for middle school and high school students. The DVD's he did for HM were recorded for college. I would expect those DD's to move at a faster pace.

No, except for the SAT prep course, which was recorded by Dana Mosely just for Chalkdust, the other courses that Chalkdust sells were recorded for HM/Cengage's college division. In some cases, Chalkdust has special versions of the text printed for them (perhaps to disguise the fact that they are remedial college texts, not middle school texts). Beginning with Algebra I, they just have you buy the regular Larson college text.


You can buy the texts and the Cengage DVDs used for hundreds of dollars less than what Chalkdust charges, although you don't get the support from Chalkdust. For example, I think I spent less than $50 for the Precalculus DVDs and text, compared to the $534 Chalkdust charges — I'd rather save the $400 and find a tutor if I really need help!


This thread has a lot of the ISBN #s, so you can search used book sites for them.



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