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AAR question


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i don't have any experience with AAR2, but with AAR1, the workbook was easy cut and paste activities/games with the words learned in each lesson, along with fluency reading sheets. ETC has a lot more writing (as AAR1 had NO writing), and they don't have the same scope and sequence, if that makes sense. AAR1 went well beyond ETC1 (tho i haven't gotten ETC2/3 yet, and i'm not sure what is included in those).


Bottom line, ETC and AAR are VERY different. ETC is practice with phonics, a lot of writing and simple activities in a workbook format, where AAR is focused on repetition of certain types of words and more cut and paste activities. here is the sample of the workbook, to give you a better idea. hope that helps :)



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My girls have used ETC amd now using AAR. There is a ton of reading in AAR and it will not meet up with ETC. I personally would not combine due to them not meshing scope amd sequence wise. If you want your child to have the extra writing, perhaps purchase a handwriting workbook or add in more copywork in other subjects. The reading lesson is intensive and I know my girls would not handle both combined.

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My son is about to finish AAR 2 and he's doing etc 4. Its really quite easy for him, and I could've stopped after 3, but kept on because I liked the writing. I agree with the others in that it teaches different things at different times, but I kind of like the extra review every now and again. I think I will do etc 1-3 while doing AAR with my next in line....I value both programs ad doing the together has created a phenomenal reader so the proof is in the pudding I guess!

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See, I use ETC to support my spelling program, I do the lesson that matches with where we are in AAS, but I haven't tried to do AAR (tempted, but I already have a bunch of reading curric I like...so..). I use HOP for reading practice for DD6 and other assigned reading. ETC never was really part of my reading program, more my phonics/spelling program if that makes sense. So you might want to use it like that?

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I am currently using AAR2 to supplement my first grader's reading after school. We are at lesson 10 now. First half of workbook is cut and paste activities to practice rule learnt in respective lesson and second half is fluent sheet for additional practice. So far I did not see any writing part in AAR workbook.

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