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"Reading" class, as in use of hyperbole, foreshadowing, etc


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My kids know how to read. I want to get them a "reading" curriculum for 3rd and 6th grade.


When I was in school, we had Reading class. We didn't learn how to read, but we learned about techniques that writers use and we read stories that showed the techniques. For example, stories by Mark Twain would teach us about exaggeration. We would learn about how to write poems. We would learn about foreshadowing and how setting affects the story, etc.


I know that BJU has a "reading" program like that but they're expeeeeeensive!


Is there anything else like that out there? When I search for "Reading" I get stuff about teaching kindergartners how to read.


Maybe they call it "literature?" or something? I don't know. Help!

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I was going to suggest Mosdos, but it is more expensive than BJU. http://www.mosdospress.com/


I've used various levels of BJU and have liked them - I still may drop DD back into it next year. Or I might be able to afford Mosdos... or I might actually listen to the "teaching the classics" i have here and learn about teaching it on my own!


But otherwise, I will make a list of suggestions you get and file them away if what I'm doing doesn't work.


OH, but I am also pondering Memoria Press for my youngest. But i'm not sure how much of this stuff is in it either.



ETA: Browse this section at RR - you might find what you are looking for! http://www.rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?subject=6

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We use Total Language Plus. It incorporates those things plus reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar. We are reading The Whipping Boy right now and my son has learned how to analyze how a character changes throughout the book. This study also teaches simile, metaphor and foreshadowing. The grammar section teaches adjectives and adverbs. Each book focuses on different "reading" topics. We try to do 3 studies per year.




Click on the book you are interested in and it will show you what topics are covered.

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Yes, what you are looking for would be called "Literature", as hyperbole, foreshadowing, etc. are literary elements, and they assist in literary analysis. You might want to start with SWB's article on this website on literary analysis and when to teach it. Below are some options for getting you started. BEST of luck! Warmly, Lori D.



Specific Literary Element Resources:

Suppose the Wolf Were an Octopus (by grade level, K and up)

Story Elements (by grade level, 1st and up)

Teaching Story Elements with Favorite Books (gr. 1-3)

Teaching Story Elements with Short Stories (gr. 4-8)

Figuratively Speaking (gr. 5-8)

Prose and Poetry (gr. 6-9)



Book Examples of Specific Literary Elements

Books to Teach Literary Terms -- list from the Archer Street School Library

Literary Elements in Picture Books -- list from Spring Branch Independent School District



Programs for Teaching/Incorporating Literary Discussions:

Michael Clay Thompson: Literature Program

Drawn Into The Heart of Reading

Christian Light Education (CLE) Reading -- workbook-based; by grade level, gr. 4 and up teach literary analysis

Classics in the Classroom

Teaching the Classics -- program for parent to learn how to discuss literature through Socratic questions

Deconstructing Penguins (Goldstone) -- beginning parent/student guided literary analysis discussion example



Past threads on literary analysis for elementary students:

Figures of speech -- when to introduce these?

DD (10yo) wants to do literary analysis

Books to teach ME about literary analysis

Is is absolutely necessary to teach literary analysis?

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I love Figuratively Speaking. It is so easy to use in a variety of ways. I've used it as a spine, as a straight workbook, as a supplement to other literary programs, as a dictionary of terms... It is probably one of the most versatile tools I've purchased in it's price range since I started homeschooling.

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OP, you've received great ideas already. Another suggestion is K12's middle school Classics for Young Readers series and the related student/teacher manuals called "English: Intermediate Literature". It fits what you're describing and much more. We don't do K12 online, I just got the books and do the offline portions. I really like the stories, the way the material is taught, and the guided discussions we've had. Very easy to implement, open and go. You can find them cheap as used books.

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