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IEW's new program for 1st/2nd graders?


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I think it is new enough that not many have used it. Here's a thread on it. I'm actually planning to use it for my third grader along with WWE 3 starting in the next couple of weeks. We haven't done anything from IEW before and even though this is aimed at a bit younger I don't want to overwhelm him when we will already be doing WWE3. It looks like from the sample that Bible Heroes doesn't have any narration/dictation, just outlining, vocab, etc. (although I can't say for sure since I haven't purchased it yet!). I don't want to lose where we are with narration/dictation, that is why we will use both. I'm looking at this as a good, gentle intro to IEW.

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I purchased it when they were hear doing a conference. They said it was geared toward second but could be used with a reluctant writer up to 5th grade. I'm planning to use it with my rising 4th grader who is dyslexic. Each lesson has a bible story (that is written in a larger font) that I will have my son read each day. There is also a vocabulary activity and grammar activity each week in addition to writing. We are starting it in August.

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Can this stand alone, or is it really recommended to be done in addition to other IEW components?


I *think* it is meant to be used after their PAL reading / writing, but before their regular IEW program, so it would be stand alone.

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I was considering this for summer.


In fall we are doing MP CC Fable, but after this thread thought it may not be a bad idea to learn key word outlines over the summer: http://forums.welltr...wo#entry4488523


However, the description of the Bible Hereos says the following so not sure how it would work for us since I haven't watched the seminar:

These lessons are designed to be used by an instructor who has been through the Teaching Writing: Structure & Style seminar, either live or on DVD.

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I purchased this at our convention for my 2nd grader. We've been working on it for about two weeks - just doing key-word outlines and verbal reports. Had a lesson on nouns and adjectives which he caught onto very quickly. I think it's perfect for this age.


It seems to be a really good fit for him right now. He's been reading fluently for at least a year (using Phonics Pathways, not PAL), he's about half way through R&S English 2 and almost done with R&S spelling 2. I'm sure he actually could have started it in the fall, but, it wasn't available :)


As far as the TWSS lectures, I'm not a good one to answer whether you need them or not. I've watched them (a few years ago), then sold them and have not referred to them since but I did watch them once. I did use several themed-based books without having watched them and from that experience, I don't think there would be too much difficulty in using Bible Heroes without having the DVD's but I know that isn't the answer that the IEW folks would want to hear.

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