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Detoxing Help!


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So hubby has been on a not so good eating kick...he gets like this, but unfortunately I went a little down that road with him and I never eat like this, lol. Already I'm sluggish and I. DO. NOT. LIKE. IT! Not one bit. So I was talking to him about detoxing and he's actually interested. We are normally really good eaters, Fruits and veg, lean meats, some processed stuff (pretzels, fig newtons, tortilla chips), but we do buy ones that are minimally processed with as whole of ingredients as possible.


I've always been an "everything in moderation" kind of gal and cook, but DH has no moderation. He needs this the most.


So talk to me....detoxing, juicing, fasting? I've got to do something. The pantry is getting cleaned out asap, but I do need to keep some healthy alternatives for snacking so suggestions are welcome too.

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We're on our 3rd day of Whole 30. There are lots of things you can eat, which I like. I feel pretty grumpy because it's no sugar and I have a HUGE sugar addiction. But I take that as a sign that it's working. I'm already less hungry than I was. Good Luck!

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My doc is very into detoxing, and I have a genetic mutation which renders me a poor detoxer. So detox is a big thing around here. :)


Thorne Basic Detox Nutrients are a great place to start. You can order them on Amazon. Whole foods would be good. Or my doc recommends a Meditterrean Diet. (spelling? Oh my, not enough coffee yet!) Clean eating is your best bet, really - whichever route you choose.


I have a gigantic list of supplements, but not sure you want all that info. Let me know if you do, and I'll pm it to you.

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My doc is very into detoxing, and I have a genetic mutation which renders me a poor detoxer. So detox is a big thing around here. :)


Thorne Basic Detox Nutrients are a great place to start. You can order them on Amazon. Whole foods would be good. Or my doc recommends a Meditterrean Diet. (spelling? Oh my, not enough coffee yet!) Clean eating is your best bet, really - whichever route you choose.


I have a gigantic list of supplements, but not sure you want all that info. Let me know if you do, and I'll pm it to you.


Yes please thank you.


I'll look into the Whole 30 and I've been seeing posts about it.

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