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How long do I keep my foot wrapped?


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I had a cortisone shot in my foot today for a heel spur - OUCH!!!! :ohmy: And the doctor wrapped the middle of my foot with lots of tape for "arch support" and to "make the shot work better". Has anyone else had this done? When can I take this wrapping off? It's driving me a bit crazy!!



But I do think my heel is feeling better! :thumbup:

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I had this done a few years ago. There was no wrapping.


Sounds like you have plantar fasciitis. It is sometimes called heel spur. Once the shot kicks in you need to do exercises to strengthen you feet and stretch your calves and hamstrings.


Good luck to you!



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Thank you Sandra! What kind of exercises? He didn't mention anything about that. I am supposed to go back in 2 weeks to see if the first shot worked or if I need a second.


I am going to the Cincy convention this weekend so I am hoping this shot will do the trick!!!


If I get any other "I didn't have wrapping" replies I am taking this stuff off!!

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The shot is temporary. Did your doc mention that? I got one in each heel because we were going to Disney and I HAD to be able to walk.


In the long run you need to reduce the inflammation that is causing the tendinitis in the fascia tendon. For exercises, put marbles on the floor. Pick them up with your toes and put them in a bowl. Or scrunch up a towel with your toes. You can Google other exercises.


I think the stretching is very important. Just lean over and stretch the backs of your thighs and do lunge stretches for your calves.


Freeze a Coke bottle of water, put it on the floor, and roll your foot over it. This massages your foot and the cold reduces inflammation.


Many docs recommend getting inserts for your shoes and never going barefoot, even in the house. I disagree. I like walking barefoot and wearing flip flops in the summer. I feel it is better to strengthen a weakness than to merely support it.


Of course, you can do both. =)


Have fun at the convention!



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If you have plantar fascitis, then you need good shoes. I say this as someone who *always* goes barefoot in the house (I come from a long line of Outer Banks beachers, lol). And I did hula for many years, which I loved because I got to dance barefooted. :-)


But then I developed plantar fascitis. OMG, the pain!!! And you know what "cured" it? Really good shoes, expensive shoes, worn all.the.time, inside the house and out. Always. ::heavy sigh:: I could feel an improvement almost immediately. I also iced my feet every time I sat down. I wore a lighter-weight, arch-supported sandal when I went to hula class, and a pair of Fit-flops when we did shows, so i could slip my feet out of them, dance, and slip my feet back into them.


Fit-Flops were life savers. I also have Keens, Tevas, and Merrels.


After some months of Frankenstein-looking shoes, I was able to wear normal shoes for church. :-) Today, I can even wear my vintage Aigner loafers and Bass "bucks" for a change of pace. But I always go back to my Fit-flops around the house, and a good, arch-supported shoe when I leave.


That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :D

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The shot is temporary. Did your doc mention that? I got one in each heel because we were going to Disney and I HAD to be able to walk.


In the long run you need to reduce the inflammation that is causing the tendinitis in the fascia tendon. For exercises, put marbles on the floor. Pick them up with your toes and put them in a bowl. Or scrunch up a towel with your toes. You can Google other exercises.


I think the stretching is very important. Just lean over and stretch the backs of your thighs and do lunge stretches for your calves.


Freeze a Coke bottle of water, put it on the floor, and roll your foot over it. This massages your foot and the cold reduces inflammation.


Many docs recommend getting inserts for your shoes and never going barefoot, even in the house. I disagree. I like walking barefoot and wearing flip flops in the summer. I feel it is better to strengthen a weakness than to merely support it.


Of course, you can do both. =)


Have fun at the convention!




If you have plantar fascitis, then you need good shoes. I say this as someone who *always* goes barefoot in the house (I come from a long line of Outer Banks beachers, lol). And I did hula for many years, which I loved because I got to dance barefooted. :-)


But then I developed plantar fascitis. OMG, the pain!!! And you know what "cured" it? Really good shoes, expensive shoes, worn all.the.time, inside the house and out. Always. ::heavy sigh:: I could feel an improvement almost immediately. I also iced my feet every time I sat down. I wore a lighter-weight, arch-supported sandal when I went to hula class, and a pair of Fit-flops when we did shows, so i could slip my feet out of them, dance, and slip my feet back into them.


Fit-Flops were life savers. I also have Keens, Tevas, and Merrels.


After some months of Frankenstein-looking shoes, I was able to wear normal shoes for church. :-) Today, I can even wear my vintage Aigner loafers and Bass "bucks" for a change of pace. But I always go back to my Fit-flops around the house, and a good, arch-supported shoe when I leave.


That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :D




Thanks so much guys! I, too, am a barefoot, flip flop wearing kind of girl but the doc said that's not going to help. I'm pretty bummed about that. I figure I can try some good shoes full-time for a while and maybe I can get back to flip flops one day. I'm going to have to look in to Fit-flops.


I already pick things up with my toes all the time because I'm too lazy to bend down or lean over :) I can work on some more purposeful foot exercises.


Does anyone know what qualifies it as a "good shoe"? Am I needing mostly arch support, cushion, elevated heel, or something else? I know people around here talk about New Balance, Teva, Crocs and Easy Spirit as being the "good shoes" but I'm not sure what makes them good.


Thanks again for the advice!

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