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For those that wanted to try the Interactive Metronome exercises for free, below is a link to an Android app. An Android developer was kind enough to create a metronome feedback app, but it was not complex enough to be put in the Android store and he does not do iOS apps. Obviously, the usual disclaimers apply to this FREE app, but when I tested it, it appears to work fine, including the following features:


- 54 bpm, with feedback on how close you tap to the beat in milliseconds

- feedback in different colours, sounds, left/right earphone

- Session Summary includes: number of beats, % of Excellent/Good/Medium/Poor Accuracy


https://www.dropbox.com/s/ipiuds7r6k3wepi/Tapper.apk (access from Android device, download & install)

Link to list of IM exercises (libkuman2002 PDF file)


DP, that would be awesome! Sounds like that developer has made exactly what we need! So does he have an iOS version? It's not the end of the world if it's android, because that's what my phone is.


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Thank you!


I put it on my tablet and I am not sure it is really working? I tried it myself several times, doing my best purposely and then doing badly the next time - and the scores did not reflect that. I wonder if my tablet isn't registering the touch properly or something? So far it has been very inconsistent for me.

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Well, my score started out quite bad and with a little practice it has gotten better. My sense of rhythm is not great though. Also I am able to get almost 100% "poor" scores on purpose (which actually fits - cause I always want to "clap along" on the off beat instead of the main one :hurray: )

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