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Advice Sought from the Experienced: Ds12 won't/can't Outline ...


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My 12 year old son scribbles horrible outlines that often make no sense and show total contempt for the exercise. Then he proceeds to write his own way, ignoring the outline altogther. His essays are about average, but need many prompts from me, as though I'm his 'invisible outline'. He's doing IEW-B.


I have seen many threads from experienced homeschoolers, saying how important outlining is. How much should I push this outlining?


Is there another way to teach outlining, a fun creative source out there that might inspire him?


Or should I drop outlining?


Thanks :)

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Actually, if I were you I would have him rewrite the paper until he follows the outline. I would make that the point of the exercise more than the actual paper. If he didn't need an "invisible outliner" my advice might be different. Writing from the outline helps internalize the structure and helps the writer keep track of the points s/he is trying to make. Reviewing an outline before writing helps the writer make sure that the thoughts are in a logical order.

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Actually, if I were you I would have him rewrite the paper until he follows the outline. I would make that the point of the exercise more than the actual paper. If he didn't need an "invisible outliner" my advice might be different. Writing from the outline helps internalize the structure and helps the writer keep track of the points s/he is trying to make. Reviewing an outline before writing helps the writer make sure that the thoughts are in a logical order.

I agree, emphatically. (I tutor high school students in writing, fwiw.)

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