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Classical music- a list of things you might not know

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The forum limits how many links I can give, so I'm dividing this up.


Sometimes my friends ask me for lists of pieces they should be listening to with their kids, or they are looking for new stuff to hear in their home.


I decided to post only pieces you may not have heard before. Most are modern. I promise if you try them all you'll like some.



Prokofiev Classical Symphony. This is a piece I adore for its perfect place in the literature and as an illustration that dividing art into eras based on what's being made is arbitrary. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUZOd9TbEj8

My husband is kind of obsessed with Prokofiev's 5th symphony this year, you might like it. I am not crazy about the first movement but it just gets amazing from there. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvIr_xOAVhU

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Solo instruments, concertos & single instruments + piano

You might like to know about Michael Rabin, old school violinist. Here's a great little collection of recordings, it's over an hour of music:


Other favorite violinists: Rachael Barton Pine, Viktoria Mullova, and PLEASE listen to Oscar Shumsky's Ysaye Sonatas- life changing.

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A violin concerto you might not have heard (modern and lovely) by Eric Korngold



Shulman Variations for Viola & Orchestra

Here's an interesting recording (bad mics too close to horns, unfortunately) and this is Joseph DePasquale who is 82 years old at the time of this performance. It's a really fun piece, and worth a listen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMmw-NNrEuI

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The Brahms Sonatas for Viola (or clarinet, but of course I prefer viola) are gorgeous. I like Kim Kashkashian's playing, and there are some old recordings of Pinchas Zuckerman out there, too, which I like even though he also sometimes plays violin :-).



The Hindemith viola sonatas are cool. Here's one of the greatest violists of all time playing the prettiest (most tonal) one:


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General advice

Here's a friend of mine (former conductor of our orch) teaching about symphonies:



I'm going to make my kids KNOW the Bernstein Young People's Concerts by the time they get outta here:



PLEASE try listening multiple times before you form opinions of music. That one small tip can really expand your auditory repertoire. Think of it as the "two bites" rule for your ears...

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Brahms piano quintet (actually any Brahms chamber music rocks)



My ds plays in a piano trio and they have a couple of Brahms Hungarian Dances in their repertoire - everyone loves them.


Thanks for posting all of these links; especially the more modern ones. Ds is not a big fan of modern classical music (though he likes playing contemporary rock and pop on his violin) - he's a big fan of Baroque. I'll apply the two bites rule and see if we can make some progress.

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My dd's violin teacher gives her listening "assignments" every week so she will be familiar with the repertoire. She keeps her list in a little notebook and listens to a few each day during lunch. I think she's listened to the Bartok and the Prokofiev but I will have her listen to the others. Thanks!

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