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Math for 6th grade

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Well, I've been looking around at different math curricula for the start of 6th grade and I'm looking for feedback from the hive. I've purchased used Life of Fred fractions and decimals/percents but now I'm reconsidering something else like Saxon or Math U See. As much as I've disliked Saxon for my kids when they were younger, I'm starting to think it might be the better choice for my DD. Anyone have any thoughts? We started in 2nd grade with CLE, switched to Horizons for 4th and 5th (because of a co-op she was attending, but it was an easy switch for her).

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Those two Fred volumes won't be enough for sixth grade. My ds just did Fractions in less than a month, and Decimals is about the same size. He did a couple Fred lessons a day, followed by a lesson in his regular math text.


If Horizons was an easy switch, why not use their 6 book? They have a prealgebra book to follow the 6 now, too.

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Ok, so I think I'll hang on to LoF and use it as a supplement to answer those "when will I ever use this math in real life" type questions.


As for sticking with Horizons, my thinking was that since I'll have to go with something different for high school, go ahead and make the switch in 6th grade and carry on from there. If I stayed with Horizons for 6th-Algebra I, what would you suggest for high school?

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I'd suggest you cross that bridge when you come to it .... And some have not liked Horizons Pre-Algebra as much as they liked the lower grades, so you might actually be there sooner than you think now. When you eventually hit where the math isn't a good fit (which might not be the "wall" that sometimes kids hit), then it is time to look around.


For more on the Pre-Algebra & Algebra books available, I'd suggest wading through the Pre-Algebra & then Algebra Fence Straddlers posts. ;-)

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It sounds like she's in the same place as my ds. He's in Horizons 5 this year, and does Fred on the side. I'm not sure that Fred answers "real life math" questions, but this ds really, really enjoys his Fred time. My current plan is to leave him in Horizons until algebra 1. When he's in the prealgebra book I'll be better equipped to make his algebra and above decisions. We already have Jacobs and Foerster algebra in the house (older siblings), but I could see this DS potentially enjoying AOPS.

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Ok, so I think I'll hang on to LoF and use it as a supplement to answer those "when will I ever use this math in real life" type questions.


As for sticking with Horizons, my thinking was that since I'll have to go with something different for high school, go ahead and make the switch in 6th grade and carry on from there. If I stayed with Horizons for 6th-Algebra I, what would you suggest for high school?


I wouldn't switch now if it's going well -- in general I would prefer to at least finish out the Horizons curriculum and then switch. When she's halfway through Algebra 1, then start worrying about Geometry. Who knows? Maybe Horizons will decide to bring one out by then?

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I wouldn't switch now if it's going well -- in general I would prefer to at least finish out the Horizons curriculum and then switch. When she's halfway through Algebra 1, then start worrying about Geometry. Who knows? Maybe Horizons will decide to bring one out by then?


It will be interesting to see if they do. I started using Horizons in the early 90s and have used it ever since, but their pre-alg/alg books didn't come on the scene until the last couple of yrs. (iow, unless they have publicized that they are planning a geo bk, I wouldn't plan on there being one. ;) )


OP, I agree that I wouldn't switch at 6th grade. It is not a logical breaking pt b/c their 6th grade bk is basically the summarization of all elementary math concepts. After the 6th grade bk would be a better option or better after the pre-alg book if it is a solid pre-alg text. (I have never seen it since we split off after the 6th grade bk)


IOW, consistency through elementary concepts would be my highest priority (making sure all are mastered. Leaping from one curriculum to another is not my vision of the ideal way of developing a solid math foundation.) If elementary math concepts are mastered, students should be equipped to use any standard high school math texts.

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It will be interesting to see if they do. I started using Horizons in the early 90s and have used it ever since, but their pre-alg/alg books didn't come on the scene until the last couple of yrs. (iow, unless they have publicized that they are planning a geo bk, I wouldn't plan on there being one. ;) )



Right, I guess what I'm meaning is that a lot could change between now and geometry. :)


I agree 100% with the rest of your post and that's exactly what my thinking was.

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