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I am ready for spring break


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I'm about to start my second spring break. ;)


Last week was spring break for the public school and DD11 got the week off because DS17 was home.


Next week, both of my college kids are home for a week on their break, so I am taking another week off with just light work for DD11. Poor DS17 has to go to school, though

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I want a clean house, a fluff book to read, dinners cooked by someone else, and not a single place I have to go all. week. long.



Is there room for one more?


Life is totally chaffing my style right now! I keep looking around my house for the hidden camera because that's the only way to explain my house getting messy right behind me as I tidy it. Like, RIGHT behind me. Like each of my kids and pets is a Pigpen to the bazillionth power. I feel like I'm in the bloopers reel of a cleaning product commercial gone awry.


But I do have family nearby, so I'm fortunate to get dinners cooked by someone else on a somewhat regular basis :) I just wish they took requests. Or hints. LOL

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