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Mosdos or MP Literature

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I need a guided reading program for DD11 for this fall. Reading for the sake of reading doesn't happen with her - she reads what is assigned but needs a "guide" to retain or really "look at" what she's reading.


I like the looks of Mosdos, but the samples are pretty... pithy :p


I like the looks of MP Lit (a lot), but I haven't heard much about the lit program here on the boards.


Anyone with experience with these two programs?

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Aimee, here's a recent thread that might give you some additional info. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/453743-mosdos-coralwhat-is-needed/


I haven't started it yet so can't comment on any particulars. I had looked at MP as well though but decided on Mosdos due to it's coverage of more selections and poetry.

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I don't know much about MP's lit, but isn't it based on reading complete books? It seems that MP and Mosdos take quite different approaches. Mosdos uses quality anthologies compiled into one book, not complete written works. Deciding which approach you prefer might help you decide which way to go. There are pros and cons to both approaches.


Mosdos books are anthologies of stories by well-known writers. Mosdos selections are from stories that present strong values/morals but they're labeled secular. They also advertise that their pages are not visually overdone or full of distractions, so that might be a consideration for some. Mosdos is pricey, but I just bought a brand-new Mosdos student text from B&N for over half off the list price, so there are deals if you look and can be a little patient. Like the prior poster, I chose Mosdos in order to expose DS to many different genres without forcing him to read an entire work of something that he might not enjoy. For the ones he enjoys, he'll read the complete work on his own.


CyndiLJ here on the boards says her kids LOVE Mosdos. She's posted quite a bit about them. I hope she doesn't mind if I quote one of her posts:


"Teaching several ages myself, many with learning challenges or behind the traditional schedule due to learning English, I found that one easy way for me to keep track of what is being read and to be able to ask intelligent questions about comprehension was to use an anthology with a teachers edition that briefly summarizes the story without me having to read it all myself, and then provides me with many in depth questions to ask. Some are terrible...anthologies are not really my favorite because I find typical public school ones to be quite lacking in decent content. However, I am 100% sold on both Mosdos Press for 4-8th, and TextWord for 9-12. Both companies (their products are VERY similar...enough so that you'd think it was the same publisher, but it is not) put together a truly wonderful anthology with worthwhile content that has introduced all my kids to the best authors. Also, they feel very moved by the character based stories (these are secular in nature, by Jewish publishers who put character/morals first in story selection). You might find these helpful." (from this thread's post #12)

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I don't have experience with Mosdos, but I'm trying CLE reading with one of mine for many of the same reasons people like Mosdos (except CLE is cheaper.... but of course it's not a secular option). I like the idea of a reading program to help cover things that would slip through the cracks if we were only reading whole books. And I like the idea of the reading containing some moral message. Then I feel like we can enjoy lots of whole books on the side (fairy tales, myths, classics retold at her level, classic children's lit, etc.) and just enjoy them. Most of the lit. guides I've seen for whole books look very "joy sucking." just my .02.

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We are 5/6 through Mosdos Coral. I use the workbook, tests, and TM. It IS pricey, but COMPLETELY covers literature for us. It also is open-and-go. I second what others have said about this program.


Ds11 is a STEM kid and during our planning for fall, he said that he would like to continue with Mosdos. He has never said that about any kind of lit before. "Great literature curriculum" in my house is any literature that gets done. :)

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We are 5/6 through Mosdos Coral. I use the workbook, tests, and TM. It IS pricey, but COMPLETELY covers literature for us. It also is open-and-go. I second what others have said about this program.


Ds11 is a STEM kid and during our planning for fall, he said that he would like to continue with Mosdos. He has never said that about any kind of lit before. "Great literature curriculum" in my house is any literature that gets done. :)

Good to know. DD11 is STEM as well and dislikes reading - so anything that is open and go, and will GET DONE, is a good idea - even if it is lit from a textbook, lol; handing her a real book to read results in... nothing... as in, a lot of staring off into space.

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