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What does it mean when they say the eyes are depressed?


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I think I know what it means now. I think it means when the eyes are rotated downward so that the sclera can be seen above the iris. I think it's also called a sunset sign.


ETA: I have been wondering how your dd is doing and have tried to pm you.



I'm sorry I haven't gotten any pm's or I have missed them. The therapist keeps telling me her eyes are unique and depresed. Every time I look it up, I get depression only. She is not depressed but I guess her eyes are. It takes a lot of motion to wake them up. We are trying to go without her glasses at home to see if that helps any. No change in the double vision. The first time she went without the glasses she was doing a lot of blinking.


Still just trying to find a solution. Thanks for asking.

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I can email the dr. anytime. She is great at responding.


Also, does anyone know if I could get a 504 for Vision problems without a diagnoses, just the symptom. I am worried about State testing coming up but I might just get a dr.'s note so she doesn't do it this year. Seems pointless to make her suffer through it when she can hardly see the numbers on a math page without getting a headache.

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