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x/p History periods - national and international differences?

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Recently I was at a talk which involved a discussion of the time periods in history.


The person giving the talk gave the following time periods:




Ancient History (til the fall of Rome)


Middle Ages (fall of Rome until 1492 - discovery of America)


Modern Times (1492 - 1789 - French Revolution)


Contemporary Times (1789 - present).


This became quite interesting to me because I could see that certain dates were very Euro -centric, and I'm so used to SWB's dates that all my thinking has been WTM way.


So that got me wondering what people are taught on other continents and areas - Asia, Africa, S. America, Australia - anywhere else...


Does anyone have any 'image' links to the different periods that they have learned (it could even be in the US if it is different periods)?


I also posting this on the High School Board here....



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In Flanders it is like this: depending if you are in a catholic school, or in a 'government' school (don't know how translate that properly) you have different timeperiods with different dates. So as homeschooler you first have to pick your examschool and then can learn the 'correct' periodes.

What you described above is pretty 'common' in my eyes (with slightly different dates)


Since a few years The Netherlands has 10 timeperiods, with each its own symbol: http://www.geschiede...akken&pagenr=13 this for educational purposes. Besides that we have 50 'windows' for history that site is available in English: http://www.entoen.nu/en

Of course we learn more then that, but it gives a guideline of 'common knowledge'.


loesje - you understood what I wanted - thank you! and interesting that the periods are determined by the school and are not national...


Those are quite interesting time periods - especially the last one - the age of TV and Internet !!! That's really something to think about :-)


It's the age of multinationals too - which are bigger than governments and countries....


So Flanders has the smaller breakdown, with only 4 - 5 periods? and the Netherlands have 10 as the smallest?




PS i'm going to copy your links to the high school board - they're great.

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Since a few years The Netherlands has 10 timeperiods, with each its own symbol: http://www.geschiede...akken&pagenr=13 this for educational purposes. Besides that we have 50 'windows' for history that site is available in English: http://www.entoen.nu/en

Of course we learn more then that, but it gives a guideline of 'common knowledge'.



Wow, these links are really interesting!

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