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Can I ask one more question about Rightstart math? What do you use afterwards?


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It is my understanding that Righstart curr. only goes through fourth grade. Is this correct? If so, what do you plan to use or what have you used afterwards? If we were planning to use Singapore afterwards, wouldn't it just be easier to stick with Singapore the whole way through, rather than trying Rightstart and having to switch back? If so, then I think I would just stick with Singapore for dd7, because she has been using it for the past two years (although she is very bored with it.) But, I still don't know what to do about ds. He'll be turning five in October. Do you think I should wait until next year to begin formal math, or start with Righstart this year? Oh, if I could just figure math out, I'd have everything ordered for this year!

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I started my oldest with Singapore EB and 1A. After I saw the RS samples, I knew that RS would be better for us. It had clear lesson plans and I liked the manipulatives and games. I like that the problems and worksheets are kept to a minimum those early years.


I also considered BJU (too expensive) and CLE but decided to go with Singapore since we had already been doing CWP for a few years.


I do have to say that Singapore sticks with a topic more where RS seems to jump around. This does keep RS interesting but maybe not enough repetition for some.

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It is my understanding that Righstart curr. only goes through fourth grade. Is this correct? If so, what do you plan to use or what have you used afterwards? If we were planning to use Singapore afterwards, wouldn't it just be easier to stick with Singapore the whole way through, rather than trying Rightstart and having to switch back? If so, then I think I would just stick with Singapore for dd7, because she has been using it for the past two years (although she is very bored with it.) But, I still don't know what to do about ds. He'll be turning five in October. Do you think I should wait until next year to begin formal math, or start with Righstart this year? Oh, if I could just figure math out, I'd have everything ordered for this year!


I'm using Singapore after. The reasons I'm not using Singapore all the way through are: 1) I am lazy, and have a tendency to not *teach* Singapore. I *have* to teach Right Start, and 2) I do think my kids get the concepts better with Right Start (though, perhaps that's because I'm actively teaching it?), 3) I love, love, love the Right Start warmups.


However, Singapore has better word problems. We continue to use that alongside Right Start, actually, at least the word problems. The we just go full-time into Singapore after RS E.


I don't stress about formal math at age 5, though. You can do it, if he's ready and you want to, but you certainly don't have to. My 5 year olds were not ablet o get very far into Right Start before we'd need a break for their development to catch up to handling the math concepts. YMMV, of course.

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