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How Homeschooling is a bit like mountain climbing


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During a recent conversation with some new acquaintances, it came up that I used to climb mountains. One lady made a comment about how boring life must be as stay-at-home mom after that. (Mind you, she doesn't have children of her own.) Instead of getting annoyed or offended I laughed and said- actually mountain climbing was the perfect prep course for me to become a homeschooling parent.


It inspired me to wrote this post today and I thought I'd share with you guys. I'm tempted to email the lady who made the comment that sparked all it with a link to my post but then thought I should probably just leave well-enough alone.


In any event, hope you guys enjoy. It'll be my silent jab back to that lady. Well- a wordy and public silent-jab anyway. LOL

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Beautifully said. For a take on the old idiom, writing well is the best revenge. :hurray: I'd say that you eloquently showed her!


I think you've nicely captured the terror we all feel, at times, with the responsibility that homeschooling entails. Challenges aside, it really is the best way I can imagine to spend my life. I've recently lost several loved ones (and another is nearing her end) and every time of think of the loss (which makes me reflect on my own eventual demise), I always smile knowing that my time is being very well utilized enriching the lives of my children. If I died tomorrow, I'd be really happy that I've spent the last six years of my life fully engaged at home.


Thanks for sharing your reflections.

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I've recently lost several loved ones (and another is nearing her end) and every time of think of the loss (which makes me reflect on my own eventual demise), I always smile knowing that my time is being very well utilized enriching the lives of my children. If I died tomorrow, I'd be really happy that I've spent the last six years of my life fully engaged at home.




:grouphug:I'm so sorry for the losses you've experienced. Although it's been a bit of time since our last major loss, I do also catch myself thinking how great it is to be able to know I'm not wasting my time behind a cubicle in the job that never left me feeling fulfilled. As tiring as the days may be as a SAHM, I go to bed pleased with the fact that I am at home witnessing my children (and they likewise are witnessing me). Granted, if I ever felt a sense of fulfillment in my previous profession, I'm sure I could have found a way to be a parent and a member of the workforce. Luckily for me - the internal lure of motherhood was never met with any substantial resistance.


But- whether it's being SAHM or a full-time working mom (or anything in between)- appreciating what you have and utilizing fully what you've got to give is key to happiness. That's what it's all about.

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Thank you for sharing that!


I'm one of those whose pre-kids life was a lot more "adventurous", to outside eyes, than my life now. Not as exotic as yours, but rock climbing, triathlon training, road trips up the West Coast with my husband, camping frequently.


Now, with 4 little ones, our adventures are so different. Teaching reading to my oldest was the most intimidating part so far, and you really expressed it so much better than I could!

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http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/grouphug.gifI'm so sorry for the losses you've experienced. Although it's been a bit of time since our last major loss, I do also catch myself thinking how great it is to be able to know I'm not wasting my time behind a cubicle in the job that never left me feeling fulfilled. As tiring as the days may be as a SAHM, I go to bed pleased with the fact that I am at home witnessing my children (and they likewise are witnessing me). Granted, if I ever felt a sense of fulfillment in my previous profession, I'm sure I could have found a way to be a parent and a member of the workforce. Luckily for me - the internal lure of motherhood was never met with any substantial resistance.


But- whether it's being SAHM or a full-time working mom (or anything in between)- appreciating what you have and utilizing fully what you've got to give is key to happiness. That's what it's all about.


-- This made me think of what Kay/Kalanamak said in her message to the forum: "removed quote"

-- Growing up, my (wonderful) mom was a busy with a fulfilling, make-a-difference sort of career as a medical professional and community activist. Considering some things I went through, she has said she regrets not knowing more about homeschooling. But that path just wasn't meant to be for us and she did find a way to be an incredible mom and maintain her job, touching so many lives. I look at her accomplishments and feel like I haven't made that kind of impact while she looks at me and wishes she'd had that opportunity to be home at least during some of the school years.

-- Loved your post! And life with kids -- boring? I have felt many things from anxiety to frustration to exhaustion all with more love than I imagined ... but boredom? No.

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Beautifully written! This really spoke to me, thanks for sharing! I feel so incredibly blessed to be on this journey with my family, but it's often difficult to express to people because so many of them just don't get it. 98% of my friends/family are part of a two-parent-working enivronment and they don't understand how - or even why - I want to homeschool. They see it as a "trap" and a "loss of self." I wish they could see that nothing is lost and so much is gained. I have learnt more about myself and grown more as a person since we started this path than I ever learnt before.


Anyways, thanks again for this post!

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-- This made me think of what Kay/Kalanamak said in her message to the forum: "I believe homeschooling was one of the best things I did in my life."




Oh my goodness! I haven't been as active on the forum in a couple weeks and I missed the news about Kalanamak. What sad, sad news. My thoughts go out to her and her family. And all of us here too, really.

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