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Restarting after breaks..whew- help

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We are back from vacation. Today was pretty much jet lag hangover and I expected to bounce out of bed this morning and work. Didn't happen. Now I'm in that panic zone for restarting. I'm sure we'll be fine, but...could you guys chime in on the behaviors and get-er-done things you do after a break to get yourself back on track with teaching?


It's a little anxiety producing....

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Perhaps start with just a subject or two for a couple of days, and then add more. My go-to's are math and Latin--the subjects I think are the minimal ones to get done each day.


Congrats on your vacation!


Oh, and I have found that a pretty iron-clad schedule that we are all used to can be helpful to get us on autopilot when one or more of us is not feeling up to par. The drone of the daily routine can help you to continue marching forward. (Today, the one dragged along by the routine is me! I had two nearly sleepless nights in a row and I am a zombie today.)

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I usually wait a few days after a long trip. For example, when we spent a week in Disney World last fall, I took the following week off school also, giving the kids (and me!) a chance to come back to reality. I'm really glad I had already planned that, because I didn't realize how hard it would be to come back to reality after staying on site for a whole week!


We just took last week off school without any vacation involved. With the time change and it raining and being really dreary this morning, we got very little done today. I let it go and popped in a Star Wars movie after we'd done a few basics. My oldest only did spelling today. :lol: But you know, he's so ahead in everything, I'm ok with gradually getting back into the swing of things. I did reading, read-alouds, and Life of Fred with the little ones, plus a history read-aloud for everyone. I would say we'd do better tomorrow, but I'm having a friend over to show her homeschool stuff, so tomorrow will probably be much like today. But again, we're ahead, so it's all good. :)

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I printed off some of the pages from the Phillips thread, we went for a walk and did some of the problems on the page, that made me feel better..lol.


I think we'll split the day tomorrow between math and reading. Monday is traditionally our math day, and it's a long one- and I think with math it's a "use it or lose it" type of skill. I get twitchy when I think about the time "lost" doing it.


Our new national geographic magazines came in the mail also while we were gone. We'll use those for reading and whatever pops up during doing them, that should take up the day and I'll go back to ordinary life on Wednesday.


Bos- what you were saying about planning probably would have helped me out today from feeling lost.


Note to self: When leaving, make a plan on coming back. :)

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