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New member and new to homeschooling!

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Hello everyone!


My name is Laura. I'm a sahm, a veteran, and mom of two. After many not-so-good situations/decisions, I recently decided to homeschool my youngest son. I am new to all of this, so I have spent the last week researching curriculum, and homeschooling in general. My sister homeschools her own children, and has given me a world of information; (that I cannot thank her enough for). I look forward to any suggestions, advice, and/or words of encouragement you may have for me!

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Thank you for the warm welcome! My son is 12 years old, and previously a public school student. I made some curriculum choices last week, however, I'm

still searching for a great grammar resource/curriculum. I am open to all suggestions; secular or non. I am just interested in finding what will work best for my son. I would prefer something that is not computer based, and is not overwhelming.

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